Wagering Rules
- General Provisions
- The provisions contained in these ''Wagering Rules'' are subject to change without notice. It is the responsibility of any person seeking to rely on these Wagering Rules to ensure that they are making reference to the most recent version of our Wagering Rules by visiting the TopSport Website.
- Where they appear in these General Terms & Conditions, the following terms and expressions have the meaning attributed to them in this Clause:
- "Customer" means a registered holder of an TopSport Customer Account.
- "Customer Credentials" means your TopSport User ID and Password.
- "TopSport Platform" means, collectively, each of TopSport''s wagering channels including the:
- TopSport Website;
- TopSport Mobile Site; and
- TopSport Mobile App.
- "TopSport Rules" means any rules from time to time promulgated by TopSport in respect of the TopSport Platform and its use, and include:
- The General Terms & Conditions; and
- These TopSport Wagering Rules.
- "TopSport Website" means our wagering website located at
- Any references to "you" or "your" in these General Terms & Conditions is a reference to an TopSport Customer.
- Any references to "we", "us" or "our" in these General Terms & Conditions is a reference to TopSport.
- By opening an TopSport Customer Account, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out hereunder and the TopSport General Terms & Conditions.
- These 'Wagering Rules' shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the Laws of the State of New South Wales. In the event of any dispute arising from or in connection with these Rules, TopSport and the Customer irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.
- You agree that it is your responsibility to pay any tax or duty imposed on you by any competent authority in connection with your wagering activity.
- All funds deposited must be turned over in full, at a dividend of at least $1.20, prior to withdrawals allowed.
- Liability
- To the maximum extent permitted by law, TopSport excludes all warranties (express or implied) relating to its wagering business and shall not have any liability for direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage, expense or injury suffered by any Customer.
- Without prejudice to any other Rule, the maximum aggregated liability of TopSport in respect of any liability arising under or in connection with these rules, howsoever arising (including by way of contract and/or under an indemnity in tort including negligence or any other theory of law) shall be limited to the total amount of the wager giving rise to the dispute.
- Reserved Rights
- We reserve the right to void any or all wagers and/or close the Customer Account of any individual or group attempting to defraud TopSport by any means including, without limitation, through the manipulation of the 'Official Prices', or the totalisator pools and associated dividends in any jurisdiction.
- There is to be no third party activity on your account, in which you confirm all details on your account are your own and operated solely by yourself. Failure to comply may result in forfeit of winnings and closure of account.
- We reserve the right to, at any time, refuse any bet (or part of any bet) at our sole and absolute discretion and without advance notification, subject only to the Australian Rules of Racing and the Rules of Racing of Racing New South Wales. Circumstances in which we may refuse a Customer's bet include but are not limited to where the Customer is, or where we reasonably believe the Customer is:
- Less than eighteen (18) years of age;
- Placing the bet on behalf of a person who is or may be less than eighteen (18) years of age;
- Placing the bet on behalf of a person other than the holder of the Customer Account in which the bet is placed;
- Using a 'robot' or any other automated process or application to place the bet;
- In breach of these Rules;
- In breach of any applicable law;
- Attempting to take a dividend that has changed since the bet was submitted; and
- Attempting to place a wager on an event that has closed.
- We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any bet where that bet was placed at a dividend which is objectively in error including, without limitation, where there is a misplaced decimal point or a match posted with the wrong favourite. In the event that we do elect to cancel such a bet or bets, we will use our best endeavours to notify affected Customers of the cancellation of their bets by email and/or telephone prior to the commencement of the event, however, any failure to do so will not prejudice our right to cancel the bet.
- We reserve the right to refuse any bet where the requested bet would present an unacceptable liability/risk to our Business. The acceptability of the liability/risk shall be determined at the sole and absolute discretion of TopSport.
- We reserve the right to restrict a Customer from accessing or withdrawing deposited or accrued funds, and to withhold winnings in respect of successful wagers, where we reasonably suspect that the Customer account has been unlawfully funded including via the misuse or fraudulent use of a debit card or other payment method. In such circumstances, TopSport further reserves the right to report the suspicious banking activity (including the details of the perpetrator) to any relevant authority, and to thereafter temporarily suspend or permanently close the relevant Customer Account/s.
- You agree that if you check the box relating to 'Would you like to receive bonuses and other promotional products' on the sign up form you will be eligible for promotions once management deems appropriate. By checking this box you are opting into Promotional Marketing in the form of email and text messaging. All email and text marketing can be opted out of at any time, and additionally this setting can be updated at any time in the 'My Account' section of the website.
- We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any bet where there is believed to be dependency on the related legs of a multi. An example of a dependent multi is Penrith to make the Top 4 and Penrith to make the top 8. TopSport in its absolute discretion has the right to determine if a multi is dependent. Bets may be voided at any stage, including after the event has been resulted if there is clear dependency on the wager(s) placed.
- We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any bet where multiple bets are auto-accepted, beyond what would ordinarily be accepted manually. This rule will only be applied if management deem the stakes to be wagered are lowered intentionally, and placed multiple times to circumvent auto acceptance rules
- If there has not been a deposit or wager on a TopSport account for a period of more than 12 months, an account will be deemed to be inactive (Inactive Account). Inactive accounts will be charged an Administration Fee of $15 per month plus GST, which will be debited from the account balance on the 15th day of each month, until such time that the balance reaches zero where no further Administration Fee will apply. Once any deposit or wager is placed on an Inactive account, the account will automatically re-activate where fees will cease until a further period of inactivity.
- Any Account that has been inactive for a period of 36 months or more will be closed and the balance transferred to a holding master account pending contact from the account holder. Such accounts will continue to accrue Administration Fees, charged at $30 per month plus GST, or annualised at Management's discretion. Should an account be reactivated/reverified to the satisfaction of Management after an annual Administration fee is applied, a pro rata refund will apply for that year, with any additional funds held in the master account returned.
- Should an account be closed by management due to some indiscretion or other reason which is not covered under the Inactive Accounts rule, the balance in the account in question will be transferred to a holding master account providing there has been a minimum of 6 months of inactivity. Such accounts will be charged an Administration Fee of $30 per month plus GST commencing on the 15th day of the month following the 6 months of inactivity. Should an account remain closed and have a period of 12 months of inactivty, Administration Fees may be applied by management on an annualized basis calculated at the previously mentioned monthly rate. Administration Fees will apply until such time as the account balance reaches zero or until Management at their sole discretion agrees to reactivate the account. A pro-rata refund of the annual Admin. Fee for the latest year may be considered by Management and that decision will be final.
- Should a customer fail to successfully verify their bank details from the telephone number listed on their TopSport Account profile as per our standard practise on at least 2 occasions, management reserves the right to suspend the customers account until such time as the bank account details are verified to the satisfaction of Management. Rules I, J and K (above) apply during the suspension period.
- General Wagering Management
- Placement & Acceptance of Wagers
- All wagers placed with TopSport are taken to be placed and accepted in the State of New South Wales notwithstanding the location of the Customer at the time of submitting a bet request.
- In the event that TopSport elects to reject part of a requested bet, the Customer irrevocably consents to the submission and acceptance of the balance of said bet.
- TopSport reserves the right to cancel, change or restrict the products or bet types at any time with or without notice to Members. TopSport reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine that a Member is not eligible for certain products, bet types or promotions (in part or full).
- Event dates and start times as published by TopSport are indicative only. Except in the case of 'in-play wagering', wagers will only be accepted on an event until the earlier of:
- The advertised start time of the event;
- The actual start time of the event; and
- Any other time for the closure of betting as specified by TopSport.
- TopSport reserves the right to cancel any bet that has been submitted after the commencement of the relevant event.
- In the event a leg of a multi is voided. In a normal multi, the bet will still stand, and the multi will be converted to a bet option comprising of the selections of the remaining legs at the new calculated price. If any leg is void in a Same Game multi, for whatever reason, the entire multi is void and stake refunded.
- In the event of a draw where there is no draw listed in the market, and no sport specific rule is listed, dead heat rules apply to both singles and multis.
- Internet Betting
- Where a Customer has submitted a bet request via the Internet on any of our online wagering channels, said bet is taken to be accepted upon receipt of the confirmation (and accompanying 'Ticket Number') by the Customer.
- Telephone Betting
- Owing to the additional resources required for the operation of a telephone betting service, TopSport will not accept bet requests via the telephone where the requested stake is less than $10.00.
- Where a Customer submits a bet request via the telephone:
- The Customer is wholly responsible for accurately quoting the details of their TopSport Customer Account (including their Customer Credentials) to the TopSport operator; and
- The TopSport operator will read-back the details of the requested bet to the Customer before the requested bet is accepted; and
- The bet is deemed to have been accepted if the Customer either:
- Verbally confirms or assents to the bet after it is read-back to them by the TopSport operator; or
- Fails to immediately or promptly indicate their disagreement with the the details of the requested bet as read-back to them by the TopSport operator.
- In the event that a telephone communication between an TopSport representative and a Customer is interrupted (for any reason whatsoever) during the course of said Customer submitting a bet request, any unconfirmed bet will be deemed not to have been accepted and will not stand. In such circumstances, it is the responsibility of the Customer to contact us to either obtain a confirmation of the requested bet, or to re-submit their bet request.
- TopSport will record all telephone communications with Customers including where the Customer is placing a bet, lodging a complaint, or otherwise making a query in respect of their Customer Account. The Customer irrevocably agrees to such recordings being made. If there is dispute between TopSport and the Customer regarding a telephone bet or interaction, and that dispute cannot be resolved between the parties, the Customer agrees that the recording/s may be made available to any adjudicator or authority enlisted to resolve the dispute. TopSport will retain all voice recordings securely in accordance with our various privacy obligations.
- Modification and/or Cancellation of Bets
- TopSport may, at its sole and absolute discretion, agree to the modification, cancellation or voiding of a standing wager prior to the commencement of any event to which the relevant wager relates. If a Customer wishes to modify, cancel or void a standing wager, they should contact TopSport as soon as possible after the placement of the relevant bet.
- For the avoidance of doubt, TopSport Management will not agree to the modification, cancellation or voiding of a standing wager after the commencement of any event to which the relevant wager relates.
- If any Customer bets are voided pursuant to these Wagering Rules:
- The amount of the voided bets shall be refunded to the Customer''s Account; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- Customers are responsible for the security of their TopSport Customer Account, as well as for all of the activity connected to it or conducted within it. Any wagers submitted via the Internet using an TopSport Customer Account, or via the Telephone having quoted an TopSport Customer's Customer Credentials, will be deemed to have been validly submitted by the relevant Customer and, once accepted, may not be modified, cancelled or voided except at the sole and absolute discretion of TopSport Management.
- 'In-Play' Betting
- 'In-Play Betting' (a.k.a. Live Betting) refers to a continuous form of betting whereby Customers are able to place bets after the commencement of an event.
- In compliance with the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (Cth) and other prevailing legislation, we do not accept or allow the submission of in-play wagers via any online wagering channel. All in-play wagers must be placed via the telephone.
- We do not warrant that we will offer In-Play Betting on every event, or at all.
- In order to request and/or place an 'in-play' wager, Customers must contact us via telephone to obtain a quote on any available In-Play Betting options.
- All wagers made 'in-play' shall be subject to the same rules applicable to pre-match wagering on the relevant event unless otherwise stated by TopSport Management.
- While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the scores and event statuses of the 'In-Play' / 'Live' events displayed on the TopSport platform, we provide no warranty that these scores and event statuses will be correct and we accept no liability for any losses or damages allegedly arising from any errors or inaccuracies.
- Payout Limits
- The maximum amount that TopSport will be obliged to payout to a Customer on any single wager (on either racing or sport) shall not exceed $100,000.00.
- Notwithstanding the dividend declared by any Australian TAB, the maximum dividend that TopSport will be obliged to pay out in respect of any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' Win or Place bet shall not exceed $101.00.
- In the case of any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' product (including, without limitation, Racing Exotics), TopSport reserves the right to limit the total payout to a Customer in respect of a successful wager to the total amount held in the relevant Victorian TAB pool.
- TopSport may elect, at its sole and absolute discretion, to pay a Customer more than the Payout Limits prescribed in this Clause.
- Placement & Acceptance of Wagers
- TopSport Promotions & Promotional Products
- Eligibility & Fair Use Policy
- TopSport Management reserves the right to, at any time and at its sole and absolute discretion, determine and/or revoke a Customer's eligibility to receive any TopSport Promotion or Promotional Product for any reason whatsoever. This includes (without limitation) where a Customer is deemed by TopSport (at its sole and absolute discretion):
- To be abusing a TopSport Promotion or Promotional Product;
- To be a non-recreational punter; or
- To otherwise be in breach of any of the terms and conditions relating to Promotions and/or Promotional Products contained in the TopSport Wagering Rules.
- Owing to the increased prevalence of syndicates taking unfair advantage of wagering promotions, TopSport Customers will not be eligible to receive the benefit of Promotions or Promotional Products until such time as TopSport Management has deemed - at its sole and absolute discretion - that the TopSport Customer's wagering activity is both genuinely recreational and legitimate (in the sense that the nominal TopSport Account Holder is in fact solely responsible for the opening, funding, use and control of their TopSport Customer Account).
- Without limitation, the following shall constitute an abuse of a TopSport Promotion or Promotional Products by a Customer:
- Allowing a third party direct or indirect access to the Member's TopSport Customer Account.
- Where the Customer's total bets on promotional events or markets (either in terms of turnover or number of bets placed) equals or exceeds the Customer's total bets on non-promotional events or markets (excluding markets provided by third party providers such as playerbets). For the purposes of calculating turnover or the number of bets on non-promotional events and markets, only bets placed at a dividend of $1.80 or higher will be taken into consideration.
- Where, in the reasonable opinion of TopSport, a Customer is creating multiple Customer Accounts, or otherwise colluding with multiple account holders, in order to ''stockpile'' promotions or acquire the benefit of more than their prescribed allotment of promotional products.
- If a Customer places a wager on two or more of the competitors in a sporting event (either in 'real' cash, Bonus Bets, or a combination of both).
- Western Australian Customers will not be eligible to receive TopSport Promotions or Promotional Products.
- Only one TopSport Customer per household is eligible for TopSport Promotions or Promotional Products.
- If TopSport Management suspects that TopSport Customer is part of a syndicate, or otherwise using their TopSport Customer Account primarily to abuse TopSport Promotions or Promotional Products, TopSport Management may, prior to allowing any funds to be withdrawn by that Customer, request evidence to support the fact that the relevant Customer Account was solely used and funded by the Customer, and that there was no interaction with a third-party at any time in connection with the opening and/or funding of the Customer Account or the placement of any relevant transactions.
- Bonus bets expire from a specific promotions, the overarching ruling will be that bonus bets expiry 30 days after they were redeemed.
- To the extent that circumstances arise for which no provision is made in these the rules regarding TopSport Promotions & Promotional Products, TopSport reserves the right to make a ruling to resolve said circumstances in its sole and absolute discretion, with said ruling to be final and binding.
- TopSport Management reserves the right to, at any time and at its sole and absolute discretion, determine and/or revoke a Customer's eligibility to receive any TopSport Promotion or Promotional Product for any reason whatsoever. This includes (without limitation) where a Customer is deemed by TopSport (at its sole and absolute discretion):
- Protest Payout (& Racing Protests Generally)
- TopSport Protest Payout will be applied when a horse on which the Customer has placed a bet is first past-the-post but is ultimately relegated due to an upheld protest or enquiry by the Racing Stewards.
- In the event of an upheld protest, TopSport will pay out in respect of both the first past-the-post and the runner ultimately declared as the official winner.
- TopSport Protest Payout applies to every Australian Thoroughbred and Harness race. TopSport does not offer Protest Payout on any international race in any racing code.
- For the avoidance of doubt, Protest Payout shall only apply in respect of:
- Bets on horses that are first past-the-post but later relegated as a result of a protest or other Stewards' inquiry;
- Win bets (and the ''win'' portion of Each-Way bets) that are placed by the Customer after the declaration of the final field;
- The Customer's first accepted, qualfiying bet on a given runner; and
- Official protests and Stewards' inquiries.
- Protest Payout shall not apply in respect of:
- Bets on horses that originally finished second or third past-the-post but are relegated out of the placings as a result of a ''minor protest'';
- Bets placed on 'All-In' or futures markets;
- Special markets, products or bet types including, without limitation, multi-leg bets, exotic bets, bonus bets, head-to-head betting, 'Odds v Evens' markets, 'Favourite v Field' markets, or 'Box/Jockey Challenge markets; or
- Disqualifications including, without limitation, where a horse is disqualified as a result of weighing in ''light'' after the completion of the race.
- For the avoidance of doubt, TopSport's Protest Payout will apply (subject to the other rules set out in this section) in respect of:
- Wagers placed over the telephone; and
- Wagers placed in the the runner that is first past-the-post in a Harness race that is subsequently relegated owing to its galloping over the finishing line.
- In the event that an official protest is upheld, any ''Run Second to the Favourite'' or similar markets/promotions being run on that race will be void.
- Subject to these TopSport Wagering Rules, the amount returned to the Customer as part of a Protest Payout will be equal to the full return the Customer would have received had the horse been declared the official winner except that the maximum amount paid out to a Customer on account of a Protest Payout shall be limited to:
- Two thousand dollars ($2,000) per Customer per race; and
- Five thousand dollars ($5,000) per Customer per day.
- This product is available for recreational customers only and TopSport reserves the right to, at its sole and absolute discretion, exclude or limit the eligibility of certain Customers from receiving the benefit of the TopSport Protest Payout.
- Customers who have received an email advising they are no longer eligible for promotions will not receiving the Protest Payout.
- If a Customer who is not eligible for Protest Payout is credited winnings based on interim results and the runner on which they placed their bet is subsequently demoted as a result of an upheld protest, TopSport reserves the right to adjust said Customer's Account Balance upon the re-settlement of the relevant event to reflect the official results. In the event that the re-settlement of the event results in a Customer's available balance being negative (owing to withdrawals or other transactions in the intervening period), the amount required to return the Customer's Account Balance to zero is immediately due and payable.
- Owners & Trainers Bonus
- At TopSport, we consider Owner's to be the lifeblood of Australian Racing and offer a generous Owner's Bonus to make your charge's victory that much sweeter! We also offer a Trainer's Bonus to give something back to all those Trainers putting in the early mornings and hard yards.
- Eligibility & General Rules
- In order to be eligible for the Owner's & Trainer's Bonus, the Owner or Trainer must:
- Hold a TopSport Customer Account in their own name;
- Be officially registered as the Owner or Trainer (as the case may be) of the relevant runner;
- Register their ownership or association with the relevant runner prior to race day so that TopSport are able to ratify the ownership or association with the appropriate racing control body; and
- Place any bets in relation to which they wish to receive the Owner's and Trainer's Bonus via TopSport's telephone betting service.
- In order for a Customer's bet to qualify for the Owners & Trainers Bonus, the Customer must:
- Advise the TopSport operator when placing their bet/s that they wish to take advantage of the Owner's and Trainer's Bonus; and
- Place their bets at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the advertised start time of the meeting in which their runner is competing.
- The Owners & Trainers Bonus shall only be applied in respect of Win & Each-Way bets. There will be no Owners & Trainers Bonus applied in respect of multi-leg bets, racing exotics or any promotional products.
- In order to be eligible for the Owner's & Trainer's Bonus, the Owner or Trainer must:
- Owners & Trainers Bonus (Thoroughbreds)
- If the Customer's bets satisfy the above criteria and their qualfiying bet is successful, the Customer will receive TopSport's 'Best of the Best Premium' dividend for 'Win' portion of their bet. If the Customer's qualfiying bet is an Each-Way bet, the Customer will receive the 'Best of 3 Totes (Place)' dividend for the place portion of their bet (subject to TopSport's Wagering Rules with respect to tote dividends).
- If there are no Official Fluctuations declared for a given event, the win portion of the Customer's qualfiying bet will be paid out at 'Best Tote'.
- Owners & Trainers Bonus (Harness)
- If the Customer's bets satisfy the above criteria and their qualfiying bet is successful, the Customer will receive the 'Best Tote' dividend for 'Win' portion of their bet. If the Customer's qualfiying bet is an Each-Way bet, the Customer will receive the 'Best of 3 Totes (Place)' dividend for the place portion of their bet (subject to TopSport's Wagering Rules with respect to tote dividends).
- TopSport 'Top-Up'
- With TopSport's 'Top-Up', Customers can spend 'Top-Up' Tokens to get an increased dividend on their bet.
- TopSport's Wagering Rules apply in respect of 'Topped-Up' bets, including (without limitation):
- Trading & event payout limits and other restrictions;
- Rules regarding the application of deductions as a result of scratchings in racing events; and
- The 'Dead Heat Rule (Racing)'.
- The number or type of 'Top-Up' Tokens which may be made available to a Customer on any given day may vary and will be issued at the absolute discretion of TopSport Management. TopSport Management will not enter into any communications regarding the issuance of, or failure to issue, 'Top-Up' Tokens.
- 'Top-Up' Tokens will only be able to be used where the 'Top-Up Token' button appears on a given betting leg within the Betslip.
- Top Up tokens for racing Singles and Multis are only eligible to be used on fixed odds wagers. The option will not display for any tote bet for win or place wagers.
- The dividend available to you when you apply your 'Top-Up' Token will depend upon a range of factors and will be calculated and applied at the absolute discretion of TopSport Management.
- 'Top-Up' tokens cannot be used in conjunction with any other Promotions or Promotional Products offered by TopSport from time to time including Bonus Bets or any bets placed which would qualify Customers to receive a Bonus Bet. For example, a 'Topped-Up' bet would not be eligible to be refunded as part of any 'Money-Back' promotion.
- In the event that a 'Cash-Out' offer is advanced to a Customer in respect of a bet, the 'Cash-Out' settlement will be based on the original dividend rather than the 'Topped-Up' dividend.
- Fair Use Policy
- TopSport reserves the right to, at any time and at its sole and absolute discretion:
- Change, suspend or terminate the availability of 'Top-Up' Tokens on any sport or market; and
- Exclude any Customer from receiving 'Top-Up' Tokens if TopSport Management determines that the Customer is abusing or has abused the promotion.
- In addition to, and without limiting, the provisions detailed above in 'Section 5A - Eligibility & Fair Use Policy', the following actions shall also constitute abuse of the TopSport 'Top-Up' promotion:
- Allowing a third party direct or indirect access to the Customer's TopSport Customer Account; and
- Where the Customer's 'Topped-Up' wagers exceed the value (both in terms of turnover, and number of bets placed) of non-promotional wagers. (For the purposes of calculating non-promotional turnover in the context of this rule, only bets placed at a dividend of $1.80 or higher will be taken into consideration.)
- Where, in the reasonable opinion of TopSport, a Customer is creating multiple TopSport Customer Accounts, or otherwise colluding with other Customers, in order to accrue more than their allottment of 'Top-Up' Tokens.
- TopSport reserves the right to, at any time and at its sole and absolute discretion:
- Loyalty Rewards Program
- Eligibility for the TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program
- The TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program is a loyalty program in which all TopSport Customers (except for corporate bookmakers) are eligible to participate.
- TopSport Customers are automatically subscribed to the TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program upon registering with TopSport, and are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions relating to said program. The terms and conditions of the TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program shall be read in conjunction with all other terms, conditions and rules promulgated by TopSport from time to time.
- TopSport Customers may unsubscribe from the TopSport Loyalty Rewards program at any time either by opting out online or otherwise by contacting TopSport.
- TopSport reserves the right to suspend or terminate the TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program at any time without notice. In the event that the TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program is suspended or terminated, any Loyalty Rewards Points earlier accrued by Customers may, at TopSport's sole and absolute discretion, be forfeited and/or expunged.
- Accruing Loyalty Rewards Points
- Loyalty Rewards Points are accrued based on Customer activity on the following basis:
For every bet placed on a Racing event (except for multi-leg bets) where the dividend is $1.20 or higher, Customers will receive 1 Loyalty Rewards Point for every $2.00 invested.For every bet placed on a Sports event (except for multi-leg bets) where the dividend is $1.20 or higher, Customers will receive 1 Loyalty Rewards Point for every $5.00 invested.For every Multi-Leg Bet (including 'Same-Game Multis' & 'Same-Race Multis') where the dividend is $1.20 or higher, Customers will receive 1 Loyalty Rewards Point for every $2.00 invested.
- Customers can view their Loyalty Rewards Points balance in the Benefits tab of the My Account section of the TopSport platform.
- A maximum of 500,000 Loyalty Rewards Points can be accrued by a TopSport Customer each week. For the purposes of this Clause, a week shall be defined as the period running from 12:00am on Sunday to 11:59pm on the following Saturday.
- There is a Balance Limit of 5,000,000 Loyalty Rewards Points.
- Any Loyalty Rewards Points accrued in respect of bets or transactions that are later cancelled for any reason whatsoever (including, without limitation, at the request of a Customer or owing to the abandonment of an event or scratching of a runner), will be automatically deducted from the Customers's Loyalty Rewards Points Balance.
- Loyalty Rewards Points may, at the discretion of TopSport Management, be annulled or expired if a Customer has not registered a wager with TopSport for a continuous period of six (6) months or more.
- Loyalty Rewards Points are accrued based on Customer activity on the following basis:
- Redeeming Loyalty Rewards Points
- Customers can redeem Loyalty Rewards Points at their discretion via the Benefits tab in the My Account section of the TopSport platform.
- Customers can also set-up a facility whereby their Loyalty Rewards Points will be automatically redeemed upon their Loyalty Rewards Points balance exceeding a specified amount. The Customer will be automatically credited with a Bonus Bet within thirty (30) minutes of their Loyalty Rewards Points Balance exceeding the specified automatic redemption amount.
- Loyalty Rewards Bonus Bets Promotions
- The following rules regarding Bonus Bets awarded as a result of the redemption of Loyalty Rewards Points are in addition to, and shall not adversely affect, TopSport's other rules regarding TopSport Promotions & Promotional Products.
- As part of the TopSport Loyalty Rewards program, Customers are entitled to redeem $1.00 in Loyalty Rewards Bonus Bets for every 200 Loyalty Rewards Points that they have accrued.
- Bets placed using Loyalty Rewards Bonus Bets will not accrue any Loyalty Rewards Points.
- Loyalty Rewards Bonus Bets will expire if they are not used within thirty (30) days of redemption by the Customer.
- Fair Use Policy
- TopSport reserves the right to, at any time, exclude any Customer from the TopSport Loyalty Rewards program if TopSport Management determines, at its sole and absolute discretion, that the Customer is abusing or has abused the TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program.
- In addition to, and without limiting, the provisions detailed above in 'Section 5A - Eligibility & Fair Use Policy', the following actions shall also constitute abuse of the TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program:
- Continually depositing and withdrawing from a TopSport Customer Account in order to maximise the accrual of Loyalty Rewards Points.
- Depositing a figure far in excess of what is, in the view of TopSport Management, reasonably required for the betting needs of the relevant Customer with the intent to generate additional Rewards Points. (This might be indicated when funds are withdrawn shortly after the turnover necessary for Rewards Points to accrue to the Customer has been achieved.)
- Opening multiple accounts to circumvent either the weekly Loyalty Rewards Points accrual limit or the Loyalty Rewards Points Balance Limit.
- In the event that a Customer is excluded from the TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program pursuant to these Wagering Rules, TopSport Management reserves the right to expunge all Loyalty Rewards Points from that Customer's Account and also to expire any Bonus Bets earlier redeemed by the Customer using Loyalty Rewards Points.
- Eligibility for the TopSport Loyalty Rewards Program
- Weekend Money Back Promotions
- TopSport is offering a Money Back Promotion on all Group One Gallop races this weekend, where customers will receive a Bonus Bet matching the stake of their FIRST FIXED ODDS (Win) bet on the event (up to a maximum of the value of the email message sent on Friday 8th November) if their selection runs 2nd or 3rd.
- In addition to, and without limiting, the provisions detailed above in 'Section 5A - Eligibility & Fair Use Policy', the following rules apply to specifically TopSport's 'Money Back' Promotions:
- The determination as to a Customer's eligibility for a refund, and the amount of that refund, will be based on that Customer's FIRST (Win) bet placed on the relevant race.
- Notwithstanding the amount of the Customer''s qualifying bet, the amount of any 'Money Back' Bonus Bet will be limited to the figure text or emailled directly to the customer on Friday 8th November.
- 'Money Back' Bonuses will only be awarded in respect of single bets (and not multi-leg bets).
- 'Money Back' Bonuses will only be awarded in respect to bets placed on the fixed odds product. For avoidance of doubt, bets placed on the BOB or Tote product will not be eligible for the refund.
- ''Topped-Up'' bets and Bonus Bets will not be eligible for 'Money Back' Bonuses.
- Bets on races with less than five (5) runners will not be eligible for 'Money Back' Bonuses.
- If a given race has less than eight (8) runners, only the qualifying bets on the horse finishing 2nd will be refunded.
- Bonus Bets awarded as part of a 'Money Back' Promotion will expire if not used within thirty (30) days of being awarded.
- Only one member per household is eligible for 'Money Back' Promotions, and the account must be solely operated by the account holder in order to be eligible.
- Grand Syndicates and Belhus Racing 'Money Back' Promotions
- TopSport offer 'Money Back' bonuses on all Grand Syndicate and Belhus Racing runners which are listed on their respective websites prior to the race commencing.
- Customers who own horses with either Grand Syndicates or Belhus Racing, and are registered accordingly in our system will receive the promotion. Customers will receive a Bonus Bet matching the stake of their FIRST (Win) bet on the event (up to a maximum of $100.00) if their selection runs 2nd or 3rd.
- In addition to, and without limiting, the provisions detailed above in 'Section 5A - Eligibility & Fair Use Policy', the following rules apply to specifically TopSport's 'Money Back' Promotions:
- The determination as to a Customer's eligibility for a refund, and the amount of that refund, will be based on that Customer's FIRST (Win) bet placed on the relevant race.
- Notwithstanding the amount of the Customer''s qualifying bet, the amount of any 'Money Back' Bonus Bet will be limited to $100.00.
- 'Money Back' Bonuses will only be awarded in respect of single bets (and not multi-leg bets).
- ''Topped-Up'' bets and Bonus Bets will not be eligible for 'Money Back' Bonuses.
- Bets on races with less than five (5) runners will not be eligible for 'Money Back' Bonuses.
- If a given race has less than eight (8) runners, only the qualifying bets on the horse finishing 2nd will be refunded.
- Bonus Bets awarded as part of a 'Money Back' Promotion will expire if not used within thirty (30) days of being awarded.
- Only one member per household is eligible for 'Money Back' Promotions, and the account must be solely operated by the account holder in order to be eligible.
- Even Money Line Betting
- TopSport offer 'Even Money Lines' on various sporting events including matches in the NRL, AFL and NFL.
- In addition to, and without limiting, the provisions detailed above in 'Section 5A - Eligibility & Fair Use Policy', the following rules apply to specifically TopSport's 'Even Money Lines':
- Bets into an 'Even Money Lines' market cannot be included in a multi-leg bet.
- 'Even Money Lines' markets are only available:
- Prior to the commencement of a match;
- To online Customers (i.e. Customers using the desktop or mobile websites, or the mobile app); and
- For a Customer's first 'Line' bet in a given match.
- The maximum amount that a Customer can stake on an 'Even Money Lines' market is $200.00.
- Where a Customer's 'Even Money Lines' wagers exceed the value (both in terms of turnover, and number of bets placed) of their non-promotional wagers, TopSport may, at its discretion, revoke a Customer's eligibility to place bets into 'Even Money Lines' markets. (For the purposes of calculating non-promotional turnover in the context of this rule, only bets placed at a dividend of $1.80 or higher will be taken into consideration.)
- The Open Third Round Leader Insurance Promotion
- The Open Third Round leader insurance promotion applies to all bets placed on the Outright Winner market prior to the first player teeing off on what is scheduled to be July 18th 2024 AEST.
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Any bet that falls within the criteria from point B, will be paid as a winner, in bonus bets, up to a maximum value of the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Thursday 18th July 2024 if the player backed is leading the Open at the conclusion of the 3rd Round (54 Holes), and does not go on to win the Open.
- All, (and multiple) Outright winner bets, placed on The Open, will be eligible for the promo, with the maximum amount of bonus bets that can be received on the event totalling the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Thursday 18th July 2024.
- For avoidance of doubt, no bonus bets will be paid due to this promotion on any market other than the Outright winner, and on any bet placed after a player has teed off in the event which is scheduled for July 18th 2024 AEST.
- In the event of multiple players being tied for the lead at the end of the Third Round - bonus bet payouts will be split accordingly. For example if 2 players are tied, each player will be paid 50% of the payout up to the figure listed on the email or text on Thursday 18th July 2024, and so forth.
- This offer is only available to those who have been exclusively informed via email and text message.
- If the tournament does not reach the normal 72 holes, this promotion will not be paid.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the event being resulted.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- The Open 1st Round 3 Ball Multi Insurance Promotion
- The Open 1st Round 3 Ball Multi Insurance Promotion applies in respect of the 2024 Open, and all Round 1 Three Ball markets listed on the website scheduled for tee off on Thursday 17th of July 2024.
- Your Open Round 1 3 Ball Multi, which must comprise at least 3 separate legs, will be eligible for the promotion if only one leg loses. Minimum total odds for the Multi must be $3, with each leg a minimum of $1.20 listed price on the website.
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Multi bets with the same player listed more than once will not be eligible for the promotion.
- Multi bets opposing the same player more than once will not be eligible for the promotion.
- Any bet that falls within the criteria from point B through point E, will receive a refund of the stake in bonus bets, up to a maximum value of the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Thursday 18th July 2024.
- All, (and multiple) Multi bets, placed on The Open Round 1 3 Balls, will be eligible for the promo, with the maximum amount of bonus bets that can be received on the event totalling the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Thursday 18th July 2024.
- If any leg is voided, due to a player withdrawing, no bonus bets will be eligible for that transaction.
- This offer is only available to those who have been exclusively informed via email and text message.
- A dead heat on a group is not deemed a loss, and will not be eligible for a bonus bet for the purposes of this promotion.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the last leg being resulted.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- Vegas Same-Game Multi Promotion
- The Vegas Same Game Multi Promotion applies in respect of the 2025 NRL Matches being played on Sunday 2nd of March 2025.
- Your Vegas Same Game Multi bet, which must comprise at least 3 separate legs, will be eligible for the promotion if only one leg loses. Minimum total odds for the Same Game Multi must be $3, with each leg a minimum of $1.20 listed price on the website.
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Same Game Multi bets with more than one Line or alternate line legs will not be eligible for the offer. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing multiple highly related bets will not be eligible for the promotion.
- Same Game Multi bets with both sides taken in Win, Line and Totals markets (or any related contingency) will not be eligible for the offer. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing bets where one of the legs must be win, purely for the benefit of the promotion will not be eligible. Ie Brisbane to win, Roosters +3.5, Walsh to score a try.
- Any bet that falls within the criteria from point B through point E, will receive a refund of the stake in bonus bets, up to a maximum value of the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Friday 28th February 2025.
- All, (and multiple) Same Game Multi bets, placed on the Opening Origin Match, will be eligible for the promo, with the maximum amount of bonus bets that can be received on that game totalling the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Friday 28th February 2025.
- If any leg is voided, either through player withdrawal or a push on a flat line, the entire bet will be voided and stake refunded, with no bonus bets applicable.
- This offer is only available to those who have been exclusively informed via email and text message.
- If not otherwise stated, general rules from section 28, Same Game Multis, apply.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the last leg being resulted.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- State of Origin First TryScorer Promotion
- The State of Origin First Try Scorer Promotion applies in respect of the 2024 State of Origin Match being played on Wednesday 17th of July 2024.
- Your Origin First TryScorer bet, relates to Singles bets, placed on the First TryScorer market - where if your player does not score first, but scores second or third, you will receive a bonus bet matching your stake.
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Any bet that falls within the criteria from point B through point C, will receive a refund of the stake in bonus bets, up to a maximum value of the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Wednesday 17th July 2024.
- All, (and multiple) First TryScorer bets, placed on Origin Game 1, will be eligible for the promo, with the maximum amount of bonus bets that can be received on that game totalling the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Wednesday 17th July 2024.
- If any leg is voided, either through player withdrawal or a push on a flat line, the entire bet will be voided and stake refunded, with no bonus bets applicable.
- This offer is only available to those who have been exclusively informed via email and text message.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the last leg being resulted.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- Superbowl Same-Game Multi Promotion
- The Superbowl Same Game Multi Promotion applies in respect of the 2025 Superbowl being played Monday February 10th.
- Your Superbowl Same Game Multi bet, which must comprise at least 3 separate legs, will be eligible for the promotion if only one leg loses. Minimum total odds for the Same Game Multi must be $3, with each leg a minimum of $1.20 listed price on the website.
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Same Game Multi bets with more than one Line or alternate line legs will not be eligible for the offer. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing multiple highly related bets will not be eligible for the promotion.
- Same Game Multi bets with both sides taken in Win, Line and Totals markets (or any related contingency) will not be eligible for the offer. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing bets where one of the legs must be win, purely for the benefit of the promotion will not be eligible. Ie Philadelphia to win, Green Bay +4.5, Hurts to score a touchdown
- Any bet that falls within the criteria from point B through point E, will receive a refund of the stake in bonus bets, up to a maximum value of the figure listed on the email message sent directly to you on Friday 7th February 2025.
- All, (and multiple) Same Game Multi bets, placed on the Championship games, will be eligible for the promo, with the maximum amount of bonus bets that can be received on that game totalling the figure listed on the email message sent directly to you on Friday 7th February 2025.
- If any leg is voided, either through player withdrawal or a push on a flat line, the entire bet will be voided and stake refunded, with no bonus bets applicable.
- This offer is only available to those who have been exclusively informed via email and text message.
- If not otherwise stated, general rules from section 28, Same Game Multis, apply.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the last leg being resulted.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- Saturday Metropolitan Multi Insurance Promotion
- The Saturday Metropolitan Multi Insurance Promotion applies to fixed odds multis placed where all legs include races at Randwick, Eagle Farm, Mornignton, Morphettville and Ascot on Saturday 20th April.
- Fixed odds racing multis on the aforementioned meetings, which must comprise at least 3 separate legs, will be eligible for the promotion if only one leg loses. Minimum total odds for the Fixed Odds Multi must be $3, with each leg a minimum of $1.20 listed price on the website.
- Topped Up and Bonus Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Only bets placed on a fixed odds product will be eligible for this promotion. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing bets using any of the Tote Based products will not be eligible for this promotion.
- Any bet that falls within the criteria from point B through point D, will receive a refund of the stake in bonus bets, up to a maximum value of the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Friday 19th April 2024.
- All, (and multiple) Fixed Odds Racing Multi bets, placed on the meetings in section A will be eligible for the promo, with the maximum amount of bonus bets that can be received on the day for the promotion for the given day, totalling the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Friday 19th April 2024.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the last leg being resulted.
- This offer is only available to those who have been exclusively informed via email and text message.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- NBA Same-Game Multi Promotion
- The NBA Same Game Multi Promotion applies in respect to all NBA Games being played on Saturday 20th April 2024, and Sunday 21st April 2024 AEST.
- Your NBA Same Game Multi bet on any game on Saturday 20th April 2024, and Sunday 21st April 2024 AEST, which must comprise at least 3 separate legs, will be eligible for the promotion if only one leg loses. Minimum total odds for the Same Game Multi must be $3, with each leg a minimum of $1.20 listed price on the website.
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Same Game Multi bets with more than one Line or alternate line legs will not be eligible for the offer. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing multiple highly related bets will not be eligible for the promotion.
- Same Game Multi bets with both sides taken in Win, Line and Totals markets (or any related contingency) will not be eligible for the offer. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing bets where one of the legs must be win, purely for the benefit of the promotion will not be eligible. Ie Cleveland to win, Orlando +4.5, Mitchell to score 20 plus points.
- Any bet that falls within the criteria from point B through point E, will receive a refund of the stake in bonus bets, up to a maximum value of the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Saturday 24th February 2024.
- All, (and multiple) Same Game Multi bets, placed on any NBA match on Saturday 20th April and Sunday 21st April will be eligible for the promo, with the maximum amount of bonus bets that can be received on each game for the promotion totalling the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Friday 19th April 2024.
- Any flat line which results in a push, or any player withdrawal will see the multi voided, and no refund will be made on voided wagers regardless of how many legs are successful.
- If not otherwise stated, general rules from section 28, Same Game Multis, apply.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the last leg being resulted.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- Euros 2024 Final Same-Game Multi Promotion
- The Football Same Game Multi Promotion applies in respect to the Euros Final on Monday 15th July.
- Your Football Same Game Multi bet on the final, which must comprise at least 3 separate legs, will be eligible for the promotion if only one leg loses. Minimum total odds for the Same Game Multi must be $3, with each leg a minimum of $1.20 listed price on the website
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Same Game Multi bets with more than one Line or alternate line legs will not be eligible for the offer. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing multiple highly related bets will not be eligible for the promotion.
- Same Game Multi bets with both sides taken in Win, Line and Totals markets (or any related contingency) will not be eligible for the offer. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing bets where one of the legs must be win, purely for the benefit of the promotion will not be eligible. Ie Man City to win, Luton +2.5, Haaland to score a goal.
- Any bet that falls within the criteria from point B through point E, will receive a refund of the stake in bonus bets, up to a maximum value of the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Friday 12th July 2024.
- All, (and multiple) Same Game Multi bets, placed on either of the finals on the dates above, will be eligible for the promo, with the maximum amount of bonus bets that can be received on the each game for the promotion totalling the figure listed on the email and text message sent directly to you on Friday 12th July 2024.
- Any flat line which results in a push, or any player withdrawal will see the multi voided, and no refund will be made on voided wagers regardless of how many legs are successful.
- If not otherwise stated, general rules from section 28, Same Game Multis, apply.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the last leg being resulted.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- T20 World Cup Batting Promo
- The T20 Cricket World Cup Batting Promotion applies to bets placed on the T20 World Cup Final on 30th June 2024.
- Any bets placed on either sides Hi Bat markets, that do not win, but the batsman involved scores at least 30 runs, will be refunded in bonus bets up to the figure in the SMS/Email sent on Saturday 29th June.
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Only single bets will be eligible for this promotion. For the avoidance of doubt, any multi bet will be paid as per the official result of the meeting.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the last race on the card being completed.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- Fight of the Night UFC 302 Promotion
- The Fight of the Night Promotion applies to bets placed on the head to head market for all bouts on the UFC 302 fightcard.
- Any bets placed on the losing fighter in the head to head market will be refunded in bonus bets up to the value emailled/text to each customer on Friday 31st May if the designated fight is declared 'Fight of the Night' by the UFC.
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- The maximum payout per customer on this promotion is the figure emailled or text to customers on Friday 31st May.
- Only single bets will be eligible for this promotion. For the avoidance of doubt, any multi bet will be paid as per the official result.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the decision being made.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- NBL Same-Game Multi Promotion
- The NBL Same Game Multi Promotion applies in respect to the Tasmania v Perth match on Saturday 17th February 2024.
- Your NBL Same Game Multi bet, which must comprise at least 3 separate legs, will be eligible for the promotion if only one leg loses. Minimum total odds for the Same Game Multi must be $3, with each leg a minimum of $1.20 listed price on the website.
- Topped Up, Bonus Bets and Live Bets are excluded from this promotion.
- Same Game Multi bets with more than one Line or alternate line legs will not be eligible for the offer. For the avoidance of doubt customers placing multiple highly related bets will not be eligible for the promotion.
- Any bet that falls within the criteria from point B through point D, will receive a refund of the stake in bonus bets, up to a maximum value of $50.
- All, (and multiple) Same Game Multi bets, placed on the designated match will be eligible for the promo, with the maximum amount of bonus bets that can be received on the promotion totalling $50.
- Bonus bets will be credited to customers accounts within 24 hours of the last leg being resulted.
- TopSport reserves the right to change, cancel or suspend the promotion at any time. This offer is not to be used in conjunction with any other offer from TopSport.
- This offer is available for recreational punters only and clients not participating in the spirit of the promotion will be excluded.
- The offer is only available to one account per client/residence/IP address/computer/smartphone/tablet. Any accounts considered to be duplicate accounts of the same client/residence/IP will be ineligible for the offer.
- This offer is not available to SA residents.
- Standard Bonus Bets Terms and conditions apply.
- This offer is only available if you comply with TopSports General Rules.
- 'Trypod Bet of the Week'
- The 'Trypod Bet of the Week' is created for the 'Trypod Punters' Facebook group.
- The 'Trypod Bet of the Week' market/s and dividends will be as displayed on the TopSport platform, notwithstanding that those markets and/or dividends may differ from those discussed on the weekly video published by the 'Trypod Punters' Facebook group.
- Bets into the 'Trypod Bet of the Week' markets cannot form part of multi-leg bets.
- The 'Trypod Bet of the Week' markets are only available via one of TopSport's online wagering channels (i.e. TopSport's desktop or mobile websites, or mobile App).
- Eligibility & Fair Use Policy
- Racing (Thoroughbreds / Harness / Greyhounds)
- TopSport Wagering Products (Racing)
- TopSport offers a vast array of wagering products and bet types on Thoroughbred, Harness and Greyhound Racing. These include:
Best Tote + Starting Price (BT3SP)The Customer will be paid out at the greater of:
- The highest of the dividends declared by the Victorian TAB, the New South Wales TAB and the Queensland TAB; and
- The 'Official Starting Price'.
Best of Three Totes (BT3)The Customer will receive the highest of the dividends declared by the Victorian TAB, the New South Wales TAB and the Queensland TAB.
For 'Each-Way' wagers placed on the 'Best of 3 Totes' product, the place portion of the wager will be paid out at the dividend specified on the Betslip.Best of Two Totes (BT2)The Customer will be paid out at the highest of the dividends declared by the Victorian TAB and the New South Wales TAB.
For 'Each-Way' wagers placed on the 'Best of 2 Totes' product, the place portion of the wager will be paid out at the dividend specified on the Betslip.Win & Place Tote +5%The Customer will be paid out at the dividend declared by the Victorian TAB and receive an extra sum equal to 5% of their profit from the relevant bet.
For example, if a Customer places a winning $50 'Win Tote + 5%' on a runner with a Victorian TAB dividend of $10, the Customer's payout will be:
= ( 50 x 10 ) + ( 0.05 x ( 50 x 10 - 50 ) )
= $522.50Middle ToteThe Customer will be paid out at the median dividend declared by the Victorian TAB, the New South Wales TAB and the Queensland TAB.
For 'Each-Way' wagers placed on the 'Middle Tote' product, the place portion of the wager will be paid out at the 'Middle Tote (Place)' dividend.Fixed OddsThe Customer will be paid out at the dividend available and taken at the time of bet placement. 'Fixed Odds (Win)' and 'Fixed Odds (Place)' dividends are not subject to fluctuation after acceptance of the wager.
Fixed Win & Place odds are available on the TopSport website and once confirmed are not subject to fluctuation.
For 'Each-Way' wagers placed on the 'Fixed Odds' product, the place portion of the wager will be paid out at the dividend specified on the Betslip.Top Fluctuation (TF)The Customer will be paid out at the highest dividend forming part of the Official Price Fluctuations as posted by the racing authority of the State in which the race is being run.
For the avoidance of doubt, the 'Pre-Post Fluctuations' displayed on the TopSport website prior to the first call of the Official Price Fluctuations are not taken into consideration when determining the Top Fluctuation.
'Top Fluctuation' betting will be available only until the first call of the Official Price Fluctuations (ordinarily 20-25 minutes prior to the commencement of a racing event).
'Each-Way' betting with the 'Top Fluctuation' product will only available on selected races, which races will be designated at the sole discretion of TopSport Management. In the event that 'Each-Way' betting is available on a 'Top Fluctuation' wager, the place portion of the wager will be paid out at the dividend specified on the Betslip.Best of the Best (BOB)The Customer will be paid out at the highest dividend forming part of the Official Price Fluctuations as posted by the racing authority of the State in which the race is being run or the Best of the three official tote dividends depending which is higher.
For the avoidance of doubt, the 'Pre-Post Fluctuations' displayed on the TopSport website prior to the first call of the Official Price Fluctuations are not taken into consideration when determining the Top Fluctuation.
'Best of the Best' betting will be available only until the first call of the Official Price Fluctuations (ordinarily 20-25 minutes prior to the commencement of a racing event).
'Each-Way' betting with the 'Best of the Best' product will only available on selected races, which races will be designated at the sole discretion of TopSport Management. In the event that 'Each-Way' betting is available on a 'Best of the Best' wager, the place portion of the wager will be paid out at the dividend specified on the Betslip.Multi-Leg BetsA 'Multi-Leg Bet' (also known as an 'Accumulator' or an 'All-Up') is the combination of two or more bets into a single wager. The dividend of a 'Multi-Leg Bet' is derived by multiplying the dividends of each of the individual bets comprising the 'Multi-Leg Bet'.
'Multi-Leg Bets' may not contain any interdependent legs unless they form part of a 'Same-Race Multi'.
TopSport accepts 'Multi-Leg Bets' of up to ten (10) legs. TopSport will not accept 'Multi-Leg Bets' with a dividend exceeding $10,001.00.Racing ExoticsTopSport may offer the following Racing exotic bet types:- Quinella
- Exacta
- Trifecta
- First Four; and
- Quadrella.
See the section hereunder labelled 'Racing Exotics' for more information on the rules relating specifically to Racing Exotics.
- TopSport offers a vast array of wagering products and bet types on Thoroughbred, Harness and Greyhound Racing. These include:
- Abandonments & Relocations
- If a meeting is abandoned or postponed to another date, single bets are void and wagers will be refunded. Affected MultiBets will be recalculated excluding that leg.
- Where a race meeting is transferred from one racecourse or surface to another, or a distance changes, on the same racing day, all betting rules and limits will apply as if the meeting was not transferred providing the same scratchings remain in tact. Ie bets previously placed will stand. However as a gesture of goodwill if a customer rings prior to the race we are open to cancelling a wager on a case by case scenario.
- In the event a change of course or surface change occurs, and scratched runners are reinstated, all previous bets taken on the race are void.
- Regardless of whether a 'Futures event(All in betting)' has been abandoned, postponed or transferred from the original date, all bets placed pre the barrier draw stand until the completion of the event. All bets placed after the final field is announced will be subject to refund and members must resubmit new wagers on the event.
- Scratchings
- A 'scratching' occurs when a horse is withdrawn from a race in which it is nominated.
- If a runner is scratched after the declaration of the final field of a given race:
- All wagers that were placed on the scratched runner prior to the declaration of the final field will be deemed to have been taken on an 'All-In' basis and therefore be deemed losing bets;
- All wagers that were placed on the scratched runner after the declaration of the final field will be voided;
- All 'Fixed Odds', 'Top Fluctuation' and other fixed price wagers placed after the declaration of the final field on any runners remaining in the field will be subject to a Deduction (with said Deduction to be calculated in accordance with the TopSport Schedule of Deductions (see below)).
- 'Favourite v Field' Markets
- In the event that the 'Favourite' listed in the 'Favourite v Field' market is subsequently scratched, all wagers placed in that market (while that runner was the nominated 'Favourite') will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the event that any runner other than the listed/nominated 'Favourite' is scratched after bet placement:
- Any wagers placed on the nominated 'Favourite' will be subject to a standard Deduction calculated in accordance with the TopSport Schedule of Deductions; and
- Any wagers placed on the 'Field' will be subject to an inverse Deduction (i.e. the dividend will increase by the amount of the Deduction) to compensate the Customer for the reduced probability of the 'Field' bet being successful.
- TopSport may, at its discretion, agree to the cancellation or voiding of a 'Favourite v Field' wager if the Customer contacts TopSport prior to the commencement of the relevant event.
- 'Dead Heat' Rule (Racing)
- In the event of a 'Dead Heat' (i.e. where two or more runners in an event are declared to have finished tied), unless a 'Dead Heat' was an available betting option:
- Any 'Fixed Odds', 'Top Fluctuation','Official Starting Price' or other fixed price wagers on the tied runners will be paid out at the face value of the relevant wagering ticket divided by the number of runners involved in the Dead Heat; and
- Any wagers on 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' products will be paid out in accordance with the dividends declared by the TABs (which will have been adjusted to account for the 'Dead Heat').
- For the avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of the 'Dead Heat Rule (Racing)':
- Wagers on 'Top Fluctuation' and 'Official Starting Price' products are deemed to be 'Fixed Odds' wagers; and
- Any 'Fixed Odds' component of a 'Tote-Derivative' Wagering Product such as, for example, the Official Starting Price component of a 'Best Tote + SP' wager, shall be calculated as if it were a 'Fixed Odds' wager.
- In the event of a 'Dead Heat' (i.e. where two or more runners in an event are declared to have finished tied), unless a 'Dead Heat' was an available betting option:
- 'Fixed Odds' Betting
- Where there are eight (8) or more runners in a given race, 'Fixed Odds (Place)' wagers (including where the place component of any fixed price 'Each-Way' bet is to be paid at the 'Fixed Odds (Place)' dividend) will be paid in respect of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placegetters.
- Where there are seven (7), six (6) or five (5) runners in a given race, 'Fixed Odds (Place)' wagers (including where the place component of any fixed price 'Each-Way' bet is to be paid at the 'Fixed Odds (Place)' dividend) will be paid only in respect of the 1st and 2nd placegetters.
- Where there are less than five (5) runners in a given race (including where the field is reduced as a result of late scratchings), all 'Fixed Odds (Place)' wagers (including the place component of any fixed price 'Each-Way' if said component is to be paid at the 'Fixed Odds (Place)' dividend) will be voided.
- 'Tote' & 'Tote-Derivative' Betting
- In the event that trading in one or more of the totalisator pools is suspended or interrupted, TopSport reserves the right to (at its discretion) either:
- Postpone the resulting of any wager contingent on any of said totalisator pools until such time as the suspension or interruption is resolved; or
- Exclude or disregard the totalisator pool or pools that is/are suspended or interrupted, and result any contingent wagers solely on the basis of the totalisator pool or pools that have not experienced any interruption of trading. (For example, if the New South Wales Tote is experiencing an outage, TopSport may elect to:
- Pay out successful 'Best Tote' wagers as the best of only the Victorian and Queensland totes; and/or
- Pay out successful 'Middle Tote' wagers as the average of the Victorian and Queensland totes.
- Payout Limits / Adjustments
- TopSport may, at its discretion, place a limit on the payout in respect of any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' wager where:
- Any of the Australian TABs has declared an irregular dividend relative to either the Official Starting Price or any of the dividends declared by the other Australian TABs; or
- Where there is a reasonable suspicion of the totalisator pools having been manipulated.
- In the event that one of the Australian TAB's returns an elevated dividend owing to their foregoing of their normal take out (whether for promotional reasons or otherwise), TopSport reserves the right to exclude or ignore that elevated dividend for the purposes of calculating the payout of any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' wager. Notwithstanding our reservation of this right, TopSport will (at its discretion) match the elevated dividend for the first $500.00 staked by the Customer on the relevant runner or runners on 'Win' and 'Each-Way' wagers (where those wagers do not form part of a multi-leg bet).
- If the total amount of any totalisator pool for any product is less than five hundred dollars ($500.00), TopSport may, at it sole and absolute discretion, disregard such totalisator pool in the calculation of any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' dividend.
- TopSport may, at its discretion, place a limit on the payout in respect of any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' wager such that the dividend at which a Customer's wager is paid will not be more than 50% greater than (i.e. 1.5 times) the amount of the lowest of the dividends declared by the three Australian TABs.
- In the event that any tote dividend is more than 50% higher than either the Official Starting Price or any of the dividends declared by the other Australian TABs, TopSport may exclude or disregard the irregular dividend for the purposes of calculating the payout of any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' wager.
- TopSport reserves the right to cancel any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' wager of a Customer where that Customer or their associates have manipulated any of the totalisator pools.
- If, pursuant to this Clause, any tote dividend/s has/have been excluded or disregarded for the purposes of calculating the payout of any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' wager the following rules shall apply:
- Successful 'Best Tote' wagers will be paid out on the basis of those tote dividends that have not been excluded or disregarded; and
- Successful 'Middle Tote' wagers will be paid out as the average of those tote dividends that have not been excluded or disregarded.
- If it is reasonably believed that any of the totalisator pools have been manipulated, all 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' wagers will be paid out as 'Middle Tote' except where all three totalisator pools have been manipulated in which event TopSport will be pay 5% over the closing fixed price dividend.
- TopSport may, at its discretion, place a limit on the payout in respect of any 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' wager where:
- 'Tote-Derivative (Place)' Betting
- 'Tote-Derivative (Place)' dividends shall be paid in respect of any runner for which the Victorian TAB declares a place dividend.
- Notwithstanding the dividends declared by any Australian TAB, TopSport reserves the right to apply a cap on, and downwardly adjust, any 'Tote-Based (Place)' dividend such that the 'Tote-Based (Place)' dividend of a runner does not exceed the 'Tote-Based (Win)' dividend of said runner (as declared by any of the three TABs).
- In the event that trading in one or more of the totalisator pools is suspended or interrupted, TopSport reserves the right to (at its discretion) either:
- Racing Exotics
- TopSport accepts wagers on the following Racing Exotic bet types:
QuinellaA Quinella is when the Customer has predicted the two runners that placed first and second, irrespective of the specific order in which those runners finished.ExactaAn exacta is when the Customer has predicted the two runners that placed first and second in the correct order.TrifectaA Trifecta is when the Customer has predicted the three runners that placed first, second and third in the correct order.First FourA First Four is when the Customer has predicted the four runners that placed first, second, third and fourth in the correct order.QuadrellaA Quadrella (or 'Quaddie') is when the Customer has predicted the winners of the four races designated by the Victorian TAB as forming part of the Quadrella.
- For all racing exotics, the Customer will receive the dividend declared by the Victorian TAB.
- In the event of a 'jackpot':
- If the Customer has a Unit Stake of greater than 1, the Customer will receive the dividend derived by dividing the amount of the Victorian TAB jackpot by the Customer's Unit Stake; or
- If the Customer has a Unit Stake of less than 1, the Customer will receive the dividend derived by multiplying the amount of the Victorian TAB jackpot by the Customer's Unit Stake.
- In the unlikely event that the Victorian TAB is not offering racing exotics in the location in which the Customer's exotic wager is struck, the Customer will receive the lowest of the dividends declared by the New South Wales TAB and Queensland TAB.
- TopSport reserves the right to limit the total payout to a Customer in respect of a successful racing exotics wager if the total amount to be paid out to a Customer would exceed the total amount held in the relevant Victorian TAB pool. In such an event, TopSport may, acting in its sole and absolute discretion, limit the total payout to an affected Customer to the total amount held in said Victorian TAB pool.
- The maximum amount that TopSport will be obliged to payout to a Customer on any single race on any exotic wager shall not exceed $100,000.00.
- Except in the case of Quadrella bets, if a runner forming part of a Customer's exotics selections is either scratched or declared a 'non-runner' after the placement of the wager, the Customer will receive a refund in respect of every combination that includes the scratched runner.
- In the case of Quadrella bets, if the Customer's Quadrella selections include a runner or runners that is/are later scratched, the 'substitute' (as nominated by the Victorian TAB) will be added to the Customer's selections in place of each of the Customer's selections that have been scratched.
- TopSport accepts wagers on the following Racing Exotic bet types:
- Jockey & Box Challenges
- Jockey & Box Challenge wagers will be available only on selected meetings and on a 'Win Only' basis.
- Jockeys / Boxes accrue points in a 'Jockey/Box Challenge' on the basis of three points for a win, two points for finishing second, and one point for finishing third. The jockey/box that accrues the most points will be declared the winner of the 'Jockey/Box Challenge'.
- In the event that two or more jockeys/boxes tie for victory in the 'Jockey/Box Challenge', the 'Dead Heat Rule (Racing)' will apply.
- If a listed jockey/box that does not take part in at least one (1) race in the relevant meeting all bets on the market will be voided and a new market re-created. Should a selection(s) take part in a race, all bets will stand should they not complete the remainder of their listed races.
- In the event that a race meeting, or any race comprising that meeting, is postponed, abandoned or declared a 'no-race' by stewards, all wagers in a 'Jockey/Box Challenge' market will be voided unless, at the time of the postponement, abandonment or the first declaration of a 'no-race', a jockey/box has a wholly unassailable lead in the Jockey/Box Challenge in which event all wagers (both successful and unsuccessful) will be settled as if the meeting had proceeded to completion. In the event of an abandonment, postponement or "no -race" and a jockey / box has a lead in which a tie is the worst-case-scenario, all relevant bets shall be voided regardless.
- In the case of 'Box Challenge' markets, points are accrued on the basis of the runner's rug number regardless of which 'box' the runner actually starts from.
- In the case of 'Jockey/Box Challenge - Exact Score' markets, if there is a tie for victory in the 'Jockey/Box Challenge' - and accordingly no winning score - all wagers placed in the market will be deemed to have lost.
- Jockey Challenge or Box Challenge markets which specify the name of Quaddie legs refer to the winner of the challenge on the official Quadrella Legs of the meeting as declared by the TAB.
- Deductions
- A 'Deduction' is a reduction in the fixed price dividend taken by a Customer owing to one or more of the other runners in the same event being withdrawn (i.e. scratched).
- A fixed price wager may be eligible for a Deduction if:
- The wager was placed after the declaration of the final field for the relevant event; and
- The relevant scratching occurs after the wager was placed.
- To Calculate the payout when your bet wins:
- $10 Stake x $2.50 odds = $25 potential payout
- $25 potential payout x $0.20 deduction per dollar (20%) = $25 x 0.20 = $5 deducted amount.
- $25 potential payout - $5 deducted amount = $20 actual payout.
- You can see deduction amounts on the bottom of the race card with the scratching, as well as on your bet if you have received winnings affected by deductions like above.
- The following table details the amount of the Deduction that will be applied to all eligible fixed price wagers (except those wagers placed on Victorian Thoroughbred Racing where Racing Victoria's Victorian Official Deductions will be applied). In the following table:
- Column A represents the dividend of the scratched runner at the time of its scratching;
- Column B is Deduction applicable to the Customer's 'Fixed Odds' dividend;
- Column C is the Deduction applicable to the Customer's 'Fixed Odds (Place)' dividend in a market where 'Place' bets are being paid in respect of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placegetters;
- Column D is the Deduction applicable to the Customer's 'Fixed Odds (Place)' dividend in a market where 'Place' bets are being paid only in respect of the 1st and 2nd placegetters.
- Minimum Bet Limits (Racing)
- The amount that a Customer is able to stake on any wager will be determined on a case-by-case basis by TopSport Management depending on the event on which the wager is placed and the prevailing market conditions.
- TopSport will attempt to satisfy all bet requests but may, at its sole and absolute discretion, reject or partially accept certain bet requests subject to any 'Minimum Bet Limits' applicable to the relevant event.
- Minimum Bet Limits
- A number of Australian wagering control bodies prescribe 'Minimum Bet Limits' for the benefit of punters.
- For events to which a 'Minimum Bet Limit' applies, TopSport are obliged to accept wagers in which a Customer's potential profit is below the specified threshold.
- 'Minimum Bet Limits' apply only to Fixed Odds bets. They do not apply to bets on 'Top Fluctuation', 'Best of the Best', 'Tote' or 'Tote-Derivative' products, racing exotics, or multi-leg bets.
- Click here to view detail of the currently prescribed 'Minimum Bet Limits'
- Same Race Multis (SRM)
- Same Race Multi bets are available on all Australian Thoroughbred and Greyhound races; and on select International Meetings. SRM bets are Multi Bets where the selections relate to a runner winning, finishing top 2, 3 or 4 in the same event. TopSport Multi Bet rules apply. SRM odds are calculated based upon the relatedness of the selections in the wager and not a multiplication of odds for each selection.
- Thoroughbred SRM's are available on race day from 9am local time (post scratchings) and once fixed odds win prices are available for the race.
- Greyhound SRM's are available five minutes prior to scheduled race time.
- SRM bets will be voided, and stake fully refunded if one or more selections are scratched.
- If a voided SRM has been placed into a multi containing other Single/s or Same Game Multi/s, the SRM leg in the multi will be voided but the remainder of the multi will stand and odds will be revised, to take into account the voided leg.
- Should a SRM wager be placed where all selections are completely related contingencies, the bet will be paid out at the highest odds of any single selection. E.g. Winx to finish top 2 ($2.25) into Winx to finish top 3 ($1.95.) will be paid at $2.25.
- Standard deductions will apply to SRM bets where scratching(s) occur after the bet has been placed.
- In the event a field is reduced to five or less runners, any SRM bets struck prior to the reduction in field size will be void.
- In the event of a dead heat in one or more SRM legs, standard Dead Heat Rules apply.
- SRM bets are subject to TopSport Payout Limits outlined in Section 4 General Wagering Management.
- Sports Betting (General Terms)
- The following general rules shall apply to all sports betting via the TopSport Platform except where they are inconsistent with any of the provisions applicable to a specific sport, in which event the sport-specific provisions shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
- In the event of a 'Dead Heat' in a sports event/market (i.e. where two or more competitors/players in an event are declared to have finished tied), unless a 'Dead-Heat', 'Draw', 'Tie' or equivalent market was an available betting option, all fixed price wagers on the tied runners will be paid out at the face value of the relevant wagering ticket divided by the number of runners involved in the Dead Heat.
- In the event a game in any sport is concluded before the final whistle, and there is no specific rule in that particular sports section of rules. All bets will be paid on the official decision made by the respective governing body in terms of H2H winner. Any other market will be void unless an option had no possible way of losing if the event reached it's natural conclusion.
- Athletics
- Except in the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, all Athletics win markets are conducted on an 'all-in' basis. In such markets, no refunds will be given in the event that your selection retires, withdraws or is disqualified during the course of a tournament or track meet, or is otherwise a non-starter.
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the finishing order as per the podium presentation except in the event of an official protest being lodged and upheld within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of an event in which case bets will be resulted on the basis of the finishing order declared by the arbiter of the protest.
- For the avoidance of doubt, the finishing order as at the time which is twenty-four (24) hours after the completion of an Athletics event will be deemed the final result. This result will not be subsequently amended for any reason whatsoever including, without limitation, if the official result is changed by the sport''s controlling body as a result of, for instance, subsequent protests or doping violations.
- Any competitor that is disqualified from an event due to an infringement such as, for example, a false start or doping violation, will be deemed to have taken part in the event.
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets:
- Both competitors involved in the market must take part in the event in order for bets to stand. If either of the competitors in a 'Head-to-Head' market fail to take part in the relevant event, all Customer bets in that market will be declared 'no-bets' and the amount of the stake will be refunded.
- The competitor that finishes higher in the official finishing order will be declared the winner.
- If both competitors take part in a multi-discipline or multi-leg event, the winner will be either:
- The competitor that completes the most disciplines/legs; or
- If the competitors complete the same number of disciplines/legs, the competitor that is higher in the event standings after completion of the last discipline/leg that the two competitors completed.
- Australian Rules Football (AFL)
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the result officially declared by the sports controlling body.
- In the event of a tie at the end of 'normal' time:
- Where 'extra-time' is required to be played, all Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the result officially declared by the sports controlling body after the conclusion of 'extra-time'.
- Where 'extra-time' is not required to be played:
- In the case of wagers into the 'Head-to-Head' market, all Customer bets will be resulted in accordance with the 'Dead-Heat Rule (Sport)' (i.e. affected Customers will receive an amount equal to half of the face value of their bet ticket); and
- In the case of wagers into a 'Margin' or 'Half-Time / Full-Time Double' market (or any other market where the 'Draw' is an outcome within the market), all Customer bets will be deemed losing bets.
- Where a full match 'replay' is required to be played (such as in the Grand Final), all Customer bets on the tied match will be settled on the basis of the result of the tied match and not carried over to the subsequent replay.
- If the duration of a match is changed by the relevant sports controlling body::
- All Customer bets prior to the change in the duration of the match (other than those placed in the 'Head-to-Head' market) shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- All Customer bets placed in the 'Head-to-Head' market shall stand.
- In the case of 'Player' match markets and match markets based on player or match statistics:
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results and statistics published on the website of the relevant sports controlling body. If the results or statistics published on the website of a sports controlling body are modified at any time after the event is initially resulted, TopSport reserves the right to re-result any affected Customer bets in accordance with the modified results or statistics.
- Any Customer bets that are placed on a player that is not in the roster of players that take part in the relevant match shall be declared 'no-bets' and refunded in full. For clarity:
- Players that are on the roster but are left on the interchange bench and do not take the field are nevertheless deemed to have taken part in the relevant match.
- Players that are the nominated substitute (concussion/tactical) will have all their player related markets, including Player Disposals, Player Goals and Group Markets voided pre match or at the earliest convenience.
- For the avoidance of doubt if there is a group of 10 or less in a market all bets on this market will be void if a listed player is the medical sub.
- In the case of all 'Futures' markets:
- Any points deductions, disqualifications or exclusions owing to a breach of competition rules and/or regulations will not be taken into account for the purposes of resulting the event.
- In the case of 'Player Award/Medal' markets and related markets:
- Betting is conducted on an 'all-in' basis and accordingly, no refunds will be given in the event that your selection retires, withdraws or is disqualified during the course of a match/season, or is otherwise a non-starter.
- In the event of a tie, the 'Dead-Heat Rule (Sport)' applies (i.e. affected Customers will receive an amount equal to half of the face value of their bet ticket).
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results declared at the relevant awards ceremony. Any subsequent changes to the award/medal winner (or the related vote counts/numbers) will not be taken into account.
- In the case of the 'Premiership Winner' and related markets:
- Any Grand Final replay/s that are required will be included for the purpose of resulting the event.
- Markets will be suspended upon the two Grand Finalists being confirmed.
- In the case of 'Most Wins', 'Most Losses', 'Least Season Wins', 'Most Competition Points', 'Season Handicap' markets and other similar markets:
- Any points deductions, disqualifications or exclusions levied against a particular team or teams (owing to, for example) a breach of competition rules and/or regulations) will not be taken into account for the purposes of resulting the event.
- If two (2) or more teams are locked in a tie, the tie will be broken by reference to the For & Against Percentage as declared by sports controlling body.
- If the season does not proceed to completion:
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the abandonment of the season, and playing the season to completion could not possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of the truncation of the season.
- All Customer bets (other than those resulted in accordance with the preceding Clause) shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If the number of rounds/matches to be played in a given season is changed, all Customer bets placed prior to the change in the length of the season shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- In the case of 'Top Victorian Team', 'Top Non-Victorian Team', or other similar markets:
- The winner shall be team that finished highest on the competition ladder at the conclusion of the home-and-away season (i.e. the finals series / playoffs are not taken into account).
- If two (2) or more teams finish the home-and-away season with the same number of competition points, the the team with the superior For & Against Percentage (as declared by sports controlling body) will be declared the winner.
- Relocation, Suspension & Abandonment of Matches
- Subject to the following Clause, if a match is postponed or transferred from one location to another, all Customer bets on the match shall stand provided that the match commences within forty-eight (48) hours of the originally scheduled start time. If the match does not commence within than forty-eight (48) hours of the originally scheduled start time, the match will be deemed to have been abandoned.
- Notwithstanding the preceding Clause regarding the transferral of a match, if a match is transferred interstate or internationally, or to the opposition's home ground (i.e. the 'home team' is reversed), then all Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is suspended but subsequently recommences and runs to completion, all Customer bets on the match shall stand regardless of the length of the interruption/suspension.
- If a match is abandoned before its commencement:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If a match is abandoned after its commencement but the sports controlling body nevertheless declares an official result/winner:
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the abandonment, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of circumstances of the abandonment.
- All Customer bets in the 'Head-to-Head' market will be resulted on the basis of the official result declared by the sports controlling body.
- All Customer bets on the match (other than those resulted in accordance with the preceding Clauses) shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If a match is abandoned after its commencement and the relevant sports controlling body does not subsequently declare an official result/winner:
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the abandonment, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of circumstances of the abandonment.
- All Customer bets on the match (other than those resulted in accordance with the preceding Clause) shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Badminton
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the interim and final scores officially declared by the sports controlling body or tournament organiser officiating the match.
- A Badminton match is deemed to have started with the first serve of the match.
- In the event of a 'walk-over' (i.e. the withdrawal or disqualification of, or other forfeiture by, a player prior to the commencement of a match), all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- In the event that there is a change in the number of sets scheduled to be played in a given match:
- All 'Head-to-Head' match bets and bets related exclusively to the outcome of the 1st Set shall stand; and
- All other Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets:
- If the first set of a given match is completed then all Customer bets shall stand and the player that progresses to the next round (or is awarded the match by the referee) shall be deemed the winner for the purposes of resulting Customer bets; and
- If the first set of a given match is not completed owing to (without limitation) the disqualification or withdrawal of one of the players, then:
- All Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- In the case of 'Handicap', 'Line', 'Totals', 'Set Betting' or any additional markets not specifically referenced in these Badminton Wagering Rules, if a match does not run to its complete conclusion (including owing to the disqualification, retirement or withdrawal of one of the players) then:
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the abandonment of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of circumstances of the abandonment.
- All Customer bets on the match (other than those resulted in accordance with the preceding Clause) shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- In the case of '1st Set Score' or '1st Set Winner' markets, all Customer bets will be finalised upon the completion of the 1st Set regardless of whether the remainder of the match is completed.
- Relocation, Suspension & Abandonment of Matches
- Subject to the following Clause, if a match is postponed or transferred from one location to another, all Customer bets on the match shall stand provided that the match commences within twenty-four (24) hours of the originally scheduled start time. If the match does not commence within than twenty-four (24) hours of the originally scheduled start time, the match will be deemed to have been abandoned.
- If a match is suspended but subsequently recommences and runs to completion, all Customer bets on the match shall stand regardless of the length of the interruption/suspension.
- If a match is abandoned before its commencement, all single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If a match is abandoned after its commencement but the sports controlling body nevertheless declares an official result/winner:
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the abandonment, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of circumstances of the abandonment.
- All Customer bets in the 'Head-to-Head' market will be resulted on the basis of the official result declared by the sports controlling body.
- All Customer bets on the match (other than those resulted in accordance with the preceding Clauses) shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If a match is abandoned after its commencement and the relevant sports controlling body does not subsequently declare an official result/winner:
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the abandonment, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of circumstances of the abandonment.
- All Customer bets on the match (other than those resulted in accordance with the preceding Clause) shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Baseball
- A baseball match shall be considered an 'official match' or a 'regulation match' if:
- Five (5) innings of play have been completed; or
- The home team is leading after the completion of the 'top' of the 5th inning.
- In the case of 'Money Line' betting, all Customer bets on 'official' or 'regulation' matches will be resulted on the basis on the official result of the match as declared by the relevant sports controlling body.
- In the case of 'Run Line' betting, in order for Customer bets to stand:
- At least nine (9) innings of play must have been completed; or
- The home team must have been leading after the completion of the 'top' of the 9th inning.
- If neither of these criteria are met, all Customer bets into a 'Run Line' market shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Run Totals' betting, in order for Customer bets to stand:
- The Runs Totals threshold must have been exceeded; or
- At least nine (9) innings of play must have been completed; or
- The home team must have been leading after the completion of the 'top' of the 9th inning.
- In the case of 'First Half' markets:
- The winner will be the team that is leading after the completion of five (5) innings of play;
- All Customer bets will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer unless at least five (5) innings are played to completion, or the home team is leading after the completion of the 'top' of the 5th inning; and
- If the scores are level after the completion of five (5) innings of play, the 'Dead-Heat Rule (Sport)' applies (i.e. affected Customers will receive an amount equal to half of the face value of their bet ticket).
- In the case of 'First Innings' markets, if either team fails to complete their respective first innings 'at-bats', all Customer bets into the market shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- In the case of 'Home vs Away' markets for a given day's play (including, for example, 'Home vs Away - Winning Side' or 'Home vs Away - Total Runs' markets), all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer if any match on that day is cancelled, postponed or does not otherwise reach its natural conclusion. For the purposes of these markets:
- A match's natural conclusion is reached when at least eight (8) and a half innings of play have been completed.
- Pitcher changes are not taken into account in determining whether a match has reached its natural conclusion.
- In the case of matches that are scheduled for seven (7) innings (or any other period less than nine (9) innings) such as, for example, the first match in a double-header of the Australian Baseball League, all scheduled innings must be completed in order for bets to stand.
- Relocation, Suspension & Abandonment of Matches
- Subject to the following Clause, if a match is postponed or transferred from one location to another, all Customer bets on the match shall stand provided that the match commences within twelve (12) hours of the originally scheduled start time. If the match does not commence within twelve (12) hours of the originally scheduled start time, the match will be deemed to have been abandoned.
- If a match is suspended but subsequently recommences and runs to completion, all Customer bets on the match shall stand provided that the match is recommenced within twenty-four (24) hours. If the match is not re-commenced within this time frame, the match will be deemed to have been abandoned.
- If a match is abandoned before its commencement, all single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If an 'official' or 'regulation' match is abandoned after its commencement but the sports controlling body nevertheless declares an official result/winner:
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the abandonment, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of circumstances of the abandonment.
- All Customer bets in the 'Head-to-Head' market will be resulted on the basis of the official result declared by the sports controlling body.
- All Customer bets on the match (other than those resulted in accordance with the preceding Clauses) shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer. The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will also be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- A baseball match shall be considered an 'official match' or a 'regulation match' if:
- Basketball
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis on the official result of the match as declared by the relevant sports controlling body, which result will include any overtime played unless otherwise expressly stated.
- In order for Customer bets to stand, a match must run to the completion of 'normal' time except where overtime is required to be played in the event of a tie at the conclusion of 'normal' time, in which event the match must run until the completion of overtime.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another, or postponed to a date which is within twenty-four (24) hours of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than twenty-four (24) hours after the originally scheduled start time, the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Player prop markets are inclusive of any overtime played and are settled on official results supplied by the relevant sport's controlling body. Any selected player must take the court for bets to stand, otherwise bets on that individual will be made void.
- Any market with a draw option in betting will be settled at the end of the period declared. Ie no overtime will be included in this market type.
- Boxing
- If a bout is transferred from one location to another, or postponed to a date which is within fourteen (14) days of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that bout shall stand.
- If a bout is postponed to a date which is more than fourteen (14) days after the originally scheduled start time, the bout will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the bout shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the decision of the officially designated judges for the bout.
- In the case of a market for which a dividend is offered for the 'draw', all Customer bets on either boxer to win the bout will be losing bets if the bout is declared to be a draw except where the fight is declared a 'technical draw' (such as, for example, where the referee has determined that a fighter is unable to continue owing to an accidental injury, cut or foul) in which event the bout will be declared a'no-contest' and:
- All single Customer bets on the bout shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- In the case of 'Pick-the-Round' betting, if a boxed fails to answer the bell, the fight will be deemed to have ended during in the previous round.
- If the scheduled number of rounds is changed after the market for a fight is opened for betting:
- All single Customer bets on the bout shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If a round is stopped prior to the official sounding of the bell signifying the end of that round, the round will not be deemed a 'full round' for the purposes of any betting market.
- In the case of a 'Totals (i.e. Over/Under)' markets:
- The 'Totals (i.e. Over/Under)' threshold figure represents the number of completed rounds.
- Where there is a fractional 'Totals (i.e. Over/Under)' threshold figure (eg. "Over/Under 4.5 Rounds"):
- The half-way point of a three (3) minute round is when exactly one (1) minute and thirty (30) seconds of that round has elapsed; and
- The half-way point of a two (2) minute round is when exactly one (1) minute of that round has elapsed.
- Cricket
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results officially declared by the cricket board responsible for the administering / hosting the event or, if the event is privately run, the organisation responsible for administering / hosting the event.
- All Head to Head wagers will be paid on the official result declared by the governing body, providing a no result is not declared. For avoidance of doubt, if a match is decided via Duckworth Lewis, this will be used to settle Head to Head wagers.
- In the case of 'Test Match' cricket:
- If the match finishes in a Tie (as opposed to a Draw):
- All Customer bets on either team to win will be resulted in accordance with the 'Dead-Heat' Rule and the Customers will receive an amount equal to half of the face value of their bet ticket; and
- All Customer bets on the Draw will be losing bets.
- If a match is officially abandoned owing to dangerous pitch conditions, then all undecided Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If the match finishes in a Tie (as opposed to a Draw):
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket of any kind:
- If the match finishes in a Tie, all Customer bets on either team to win will be resulted in accordance with the 'Dead-Heat' Rule and the Customers will receive an amount equal to half of the face value of their bet ticket except where there exists an applicable tie-breaker method (for example, 'Most Boundaries' or a 'Super-Over', 'Bowl-Off' or other similar method), in which event all Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the outcome of the tie-breaker. For the avoidance of doubt, all cricket exotics markets will be resulted prior to the conduct of any tie-breaker.
- If the match is declared a 'No-Result', then all undecided Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a 'reserve day' is utilised and no play has been completed prior to the 'reserve day', all Customer bets will stand provided that the match is commenced within forty-eight (48) hours of the originally scheduled start time.
- If a 'reserve day' is utilised and some play has been completed prior to the 'reserve day', all Customer bets will stand provided that:
- The match is re-commenced within forty-eight (48) hours of the originally scheduled start time; and
- The match re-commences at the exact point at which it was suspended and is played under the same conditions with respect to number of overs to be bowled.
- In the case of 'In-Play' bets placed on an 'Innings Total Runs' market, if the innings does not last for at least the length specified in the Event Betting Rule attached to the market, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer except where the Totals threshold has already been exceeded, in which event Customer bets will have already been resulted. For the avoidance of doubt, this rule supersedes any other condition set out in these Wagering Rules regarding pre-match wagers.
- Bets on Domestic First Class matches (4 or 5 day matches) will be paid on most points by team.
- Impact Players WILL be considered as a member of the team for all markets. Players subbed out will be deemed to have played the match and markets settled so long as they have either reached the crease/bowled a ball.
- Unless specified that a player must face a ball, any player dismissed via time-out will have been considered to have reached the crease for betting purposes
- Market-Specific Cricket Betting Rules
The rules set out hereunder are in addition to the general cricket betting rules set out above. If any of the market-specific cricket betting rules are inconsistent with those set out above, the market-specific cricket betting rules shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
- 1st Over - Wicket
- Pays on if there is a wicket in the first over of the match.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into '1st Over Wicket' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into '1st Over Wicket' markets:
- 1st Over - Wicket (Team)
- Pays on if there is a wicket in the first over of an innings.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into '1st Over Wicket (Team)' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into '1st Over Wicket (Team)' markets:
- 1st Over - Total Runs
- Pays on the total number of runs scored in the first over of an innings.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into '1st Over Total Runs' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into '1st Over Total Runs' markets:
- 1st Over - Total Runs (1st Innings)
- Pays on the total number of runs scored in the first over of the innings of the team batting first.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into '1st Over Total Runs (1st Innings)' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into '1st Over Total Runs (1st Innings)' markets:
- 1st Innings - Total Runs - Odds or Evens / Team Total Runs - Odds v Evens
- Pays on the whether total number of runs scored in the first innings is an odd or even number.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'First Over Total Runs (1st Innings)' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'First Over Total Runs (1st Innings)' markets:
- Batsman Boundaries - Most Boundaries Matchups
- If both players forming part of the 'Batsman Most Boundaries Matchups' market are named in the Starting XI and reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that market will stand. If either player forming part of a 'Batsman Most Boundaries Matchups' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Boundaries Matchups' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Boundaries Matchups' markets:
- Batsman Boundaries - Most Fours
- If a player is named in the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player in a 'Batsman Most Fours' market will stand regardless of whether the player reaches the crease or faces a delivery.
- If any player forming in a 'Batsman Most Fours' market is omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Fours' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Fours' markets:
- Batsman Boundaries - Most Fours Matchups
- If both players forming part of the 'Batsman Fours Matchups' market are named in the Starting XI and reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that market will stand. If either player forming part of a 'Batsman Fours Matchups' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Fours Matchups' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Fours Matchups' markets:
- Batsman Boundaries - Most Sixes
- If a player is named in the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player in a 'Batsman Most Sixes' market will stand regardless of whether the player reaches the crease or faces a delivery.
- If any player forming in a 'Batsman Most Sixes' market is omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Sixes' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Sixes' markets:
- Batsman Boundaries - Most Sixes Matchups
- If both players forming part of the 'Batsman Sixes Matchups' market are named in the Starting XI and reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that market will stand. If either player forming part of a 'Batsman Sixes Matchups' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Sixes Matchups' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Sixes Matchups' markets:
- Batsman Dismissals - First Batsman Dismissed
- If all players forming part of the 'First Batsman Dismissed' market are named in the Starting XI, open the batting and reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets into that market will stand. If any of the players forming part of the 'First Batsman Dismissed' market are omitted from the Starting XI, do not open the batting for their team or otherwise fail to reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'First Batsman Dismissed' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The players' team's innings is shortened and neither of the players forming part of the 'First Batsman Dismissed' market have been dismissed; or
- The target has been reached without the loss of a wicket.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'First Batsman Dismissed' markets:
- Batsman Dismissals - Mode of Dismissal
- If the player is named in the Starting XI and reaches the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that player will stand. If the player is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If the player is not dismissed or is dismissed by a method that is not listed in the 'Mode of Dismissal' market, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Batsman Dismissals - Mode of Dismissal (First Wicket)
- If the team does not lose any wickets, or the first player dismissed is not listed in the 'Mode of Dismissal' market, all Customer bets into the market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Batsman Hi Bat
- If a player is named in the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will stand regardless of whether the relevant player faces a delivery or reaches the crease.
- If a player is omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the event that two or more players are tied in the 'Hi Bat' market, the 'Dead Heat Rule (Sport)' shall apply.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Hi Bat' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least 50% of the originally scheduled number of overs are bowled.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Hi Bat' markets:
- Batsman Milestones - Not to Score
- If a player is named in the Starting XI and reaches the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that player will stand. If a player is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Player Not to Score' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The player's team's innings is shortened; or
- The player is not dismissed prior to the interruption/delay.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Player Not to Score' markets:
- Batsman Milestones - Race to 10
- If all players forming part of the 'Batsman Race to 10' market are named in the Starting XI, open the batting and reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets into that market will stand. If any of the players forming part of the 'Batsman Race to 10' market are omitted from the Starting XI, do not open the batting for their team or otherwise fail to reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Race to 10' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened and any of the players forming part of the 'Batsmen Race to 10' market are 'not-out' and have scored less than 10 runs.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Race to 10' markets:
- Batsman Milestones - Team to Have Century-Maker
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Team to Have Century-Maker' market:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Team to Have Century-Maker' market:
- Shortened Matches
- Batsman Milestones - Team to Have Half-Century-Maker
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Team to Have Half-Century-Maker' market:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Team to Have Half-Century-Maker' market:
- Shortened Matches
- Batsman Milestones - To Score a Half-Century
- If a player is named in the Starting XI and reaches the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that player will stand. If a player is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman to Score a Half-Century' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman to Score a Half-Century' markets:
- Batsman Milestones - To Score a Century
- If a player is named in the Starting XI and reaches the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that player will stand. If a player is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman to Score a Century' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman to Score a Century' markets:
- Batsman Runs Handicap
- If all players forming part of the 'Batsman Runs Handicap' market are named in the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that market will stand regardless of whether the relevant player/s face a delivery or reach the crease. If any player forming part of a 'Batsman Runs Handicap' market is omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Runs Handicap' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Runs Handicap' markets:
- Batsman Runs Matchups
- If both players forming part of the 'Batsman Run Matchup' market are named in the Starting XI and reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that market will stand. If either player forming part of a 'Batsman Run Matchup' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Run Matchups' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Run Matchups' markets:
- Batsman Runs Matchups (Handicap)
- If both players forming part of the 'Batsman Run Matchups (Handicap)' market are named in the Starting XI and reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that market will stand. If either player forming part of a 'Batsman Run Matchups (Handicap)' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Batsman Run Matchups (Handicap)' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Batsman Run Matchups (Handicap)' markets:
- Batsman Runs Trios
- If all players forming part of the 'Batsman Run Trios' market are named in the Starting XI and reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that market will stand. If any player forming part of a 'Batsman Run Trios' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Run Trios' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Run Trios' markets:
- Batsman Score & Win
- If any player forming in a 'Batsman Score & Win ' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Batsman Score & Win' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Batsman Score & Win' markets:
- Batsman Total Runs
- If any player forming in a 'Batsman Total Runs' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to reach the crease (regardless of whether they face a delivery), all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Batsman Total Runs' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Batsman Total Runs' markets:
- Bowler Total Wickets
- If any player forming in a 'Bowler Total Wickets' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to bowl a delivery, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Bowler Total Wickets' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Bowler Total Wickets' markets:
- Bowler Wickets Matchups
- If both players forming part of the 'Bowler Wickets Matchup' market are named in the Starting XI and bowl at least one delivery, all Customer bets on that market will stand. If either player forming part of a 'Bowler Wickets Matchup' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to bowl a delivery, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer. Dead heat rules apply if both players take the same amount of wickets.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Bowler Wickets Matchup' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Bowler Wickets Matchup' markets:
- Bowler Wickets Trios
- If all players forming part of the 'Bowler Wickets Trios' market are named in the Starting XI and bowl at least one delivery, all Customer bets on that market will stand. If any player forming part of a 'Bowler Wickets Trios' market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to bowl a delivery, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer. Dead heat rules apply if multiple players take the same amount of wickets.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Bowler Wickets Trios' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Bowler Wickets Trios' markets:
- Bowler Wickets & Win
- If any player forming part of a 'Bowler Wickets & Win'> market is omitted from the Starting XI or fails to bowl a delivery, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Bowler Wickets & Win' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Bowler Wickets & Win' markets:
- Bowler Most Wickets
- If a player is named in the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will stand regardless of whether the relevant player bowls a delivery.
- If a player is omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the event that two or more players are tied in the 'Bowler Most Wickets' market, the bowler with the lowest economy rate will be deemed the winner.
- In the event that no wickets are taken in an innings, unless there is an economy rate tie breaker, all bets on the Most Wickets Market will be void.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Bowler Most Wickets' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least 50% of the originally scheduled number of overs are bowled.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Bowler Most Wickets' markets:
- Match Boundaries - Most Fours (Batsman)
- If a player is named in the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player in a 'Match Boundaries - Most Fours (Batsman)' market will stand regardless of whether the player reaches the crease or faces a delivery.
- If any player forming in a 'Match Boundaries - Most Fours (Batsman)' market is omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Fours' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Fours' markets:
- Match Boundaries - Most Sixes (Batsman)
- If a player is named in the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player in a 'Match Boundaries - Most Sixes (Batsman)' market will stand regardless of whether the player reaches the crease or faces a delivery.
- If any player forming in a 'Match Boundaries - Most Sixes (Batsman)' market is omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Sixes' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Batsman Most Sixes' markets:
- Match Boundaries - Total Fours (Team / Match)
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Match Boundaries - Total Fours (Team / Match)' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Match Boundaries - Total Fours (Team / Match)' markets:
- Shortened Matches
- Match Boundaries - Total Sixes (Team / Match)
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Match Boundaries - Total Sixes (Team / Match)' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Match Boundaries - Total Sixes (Team / Match)' markets:
- Shortened Matches
- Match Milestones - Century in Match
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Century in Match' market:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Century in Match' market:
- Shortened Matches
- Match Milestones - Half-Century in Match
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Half-Century in Match' market:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into a 'Half-Century in Match' market:
- Shortened Matches
- Match Milestones - Highest First 6 Overs
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Match Milestones - Highest First 6 Overs' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Match Milestones - Highest First 6 Overs' markets:
- Shortened Matches
- Match Milestones - Highest Individual Score
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Match Milestones - Highest Individual Score' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs', 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if the innings is shortened in any way.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the innings is shortened.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'Match Milestones - Highest Individual Score' markets:
- Shortened Matches
- Opening Partnership - Highest Opening Partnership
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Highest Opening Partnership' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Highest Opening Partnership' markets:
- Shortened Matches
- Opening Partnership - Total Runs in Opening Partnership
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Total Runs in Opening Partnership' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into the 'Total Runs in Opening Partnership' markets:
- Shortened Matches
- Player Performance Markets
- In 'Player Performance' markets, players accumulate points based on their performance in a given match. Performance Points are awarded as follows:
PointPer run scored by the player with the bat.10
PointsPer catch taken by the player while in the field.20
PointsPer wicket taken by the player while bowling.25
PointsPer stumping by the player while wicket-keeping.30
PointsPer dismissal by way of 'caught-and-bowled' by the player while bowling. - No Performance Points are awarded in connection with 'Super Overs'.
- If a player is named in the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will stand regardless of whether the relevant player faces a delivery or reaches the crease.
- If a player is omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the event that two or more players are tied in the 'Player Performance' market, the 'Dead Heat Rule (Sport)' shall apply.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Player Performance' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Player Performance' markets:
- In 'Player Performance' markets, players accumulate points based on their performance in a given match. Performance Points are awarded as follows:
- Player of the Match
- All Customer bets in a 'Man of the Match' market will be resulted on the basis of the Player of the Match declared by ESPN Cricinfo. If there is no Player of the Match declared on ESPN Cricinfom then all Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the Player of the Match declared during the post-match presentation. If there is also no Player of the Match declared in the post-match presentation, then all Customer bets will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Same-Game Doubles
- If all players forming part of the 'Same-Game Double' market are named in the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that market will stand regardless of whether the relevant player/s face a delivery or reach the crease.
- If one of the players forming part of the 'Same-Game Double' market are omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the event that there is a tie in any leg of the 'Same-Game Double' market, the 'Dead Heat Rule (Sport)' shall apply with each leg of the 'Same-Game Double' being worth half the ticket. 'Dead Heat Rule (Sport)'
In a 'Hi Bat / Most Wickets' 'Same-Game Double', if the Customer's selection in the 'Most Wickets' wins but their selection in the 'Hi Bat' is involved in a two-way tie, the Customer will receive 75% of the face-value of the ticket. NB Economy Rate rule applies in this market for Most Wickets. - Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Same-Game Double' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least 50% of the originally scheduled number of overs are bowled.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Same-Game Double' markets:
- Star Player Markets
- If any player forming part of a 'Star Player' market is omitted from the Starting XI, all Customer bets on that market will be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of batting related 'Star Player' markets (including 'To Hit X Fours', 'To Hit X Sixes', 'To Score X Runs'), if the player in the 'Star Player' market reaches the crease then all Customer bets in that market shall stand (regardless of whether the player faces a delivery). If the relevant player fails to reach the crease, then all Customer bets in that 'Star Player' market shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- All bets are paid on the outcome of the teams first innings in the match unless explicitly specified.
- In the case of bowling related 'Star Player' markets (including 'To Take a Wicket in Bowler's Xth Over', 'To Take a Wicket with First Ball', 'To Take X Wickets', 'To Take X's Wicket '), if the player forming part of the 'Star Player' market bowls at least one deliver in the innings, then all Customer bets in that market shall stand. If the relevant player fails to bowl a delivery, then all Customer bets in that 'Star Player' market shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Star Player' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Star Player' markets:
- Team of Top Batsman
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Team of Top Batsman' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least 50% of the originally scheduled number of overs are bowled.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Team of Top Batsman' markets:
- Shortened Matches
- Team Total Runs
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Team Total Runs' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets will be void if an match is shortened by 2 or more overs (or an innings by 1 or more overs) in a 20 Over (T20) match. In 50 Over (ODI) matches, bets will be void if the innings is shortened by 5 overs or more. In both cases, bets will stand if the outcome had already been unconditionally determined.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the designated innings.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If a bet is placed live, or In Play, bet will be voided in the event of any loss of overs subsequent to when the bet was placed.
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of 'Team Total Runs' markets:
- Shortened Matches
- Toppy Match Specials - The Benaud
- 'The Benaud' market will be resulted on the basis of the result declared by ESPN Cricinfo.
- Customer bets will be paid out of their selection finishes with bowling figures in an innings of 2 wickets for 22 runs (regardless of the number of overs bowled by the player).
- Shortened Matches
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'The Benaud' markets:
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- The innings is shortened by two (2) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for twenty (20) overs or less; or
- The innings is shortened by ten (10) overs or more in an innings originally scheduled for fifty (50) overs.
- In the case of 'Test Match' or 'First Class' cricket, all Customer bets will stand if at least one delivery has been bowled in the third innings of the match.
- If the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the interruption of play or shortening of the match, and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then those Customer bets will be resulted accordingly regardless of whether the above prescribed minimum amount of play has been completed.
- If none of the above conditions have been met, then all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Limited Overs' cricket, all Customer bets shall be voided (and the amount of those bets refunded to the Customer) if:
- If a match is shortened owing to the intervention of rain (or by reason of any other form of delay) at any time after the successful placement of a bet, the following rules shall apply in respect of bets into 'The Benaud' markets:
- Cycling
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the finishing order as per the podium presentation except in the event of an official protest being lodged and upheld within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of an event in which case bets will be resulted on the basis of the finishing order declared by the arbiter of the protest.
- For the avoidance of doubt, the finishing order as at the time which is twenty-four (24) hours after the completion of an event will be deemed the final result. This result will not be subsequently amended for any reason whatsoever including, without limitation, if the official result is changed by the sport''s controlling body as a result of, for instance, subsequent protests or doping violations.
- Any rider that crosses the starting line is deemed to have taken part in the event.
- Except in the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, all 'outright winner' markets are conducted on an 'all-in' basis. In such markets, no refunds will be given in the event that your selection retires, withdraws or is disqualified during the course of a tournament or track meet, or is otherwise a non-starter.
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets:
- All competitors involved in the market must take part in the event in order for bets to stand.
- If any of the competitors in a 'Head-to-Head' market fails to take part in the relevant event, all Customer bets in that market will be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Team Matchup' markets, all nominated riders of each team must take part in the event in order for bets to stand.
- Any competitor that is disqualified from an event after the commencement of that event due to an infringement such as, for example, a false start or doping violation, will be deemed to have taken part in the event.
- If any stage is neutralised or shortened in distance all bets will be called off.
- Darts
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results officially declared by the by the tournament organiser.
- If less than three (3) legs of a match are completed:
- All single Customer bets on the bout shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- ESports
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results officially declared by the broadcaster, event organizer or game publisher responsible for administering the event or tournament of which the match forms part.
- All bets on the handicap are grades as a handicap relating to the number of 'Maps' won, despite the notation being points.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is within forty-eight (48) hours of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than forty-eight (48) hours after the originally scheduled start time, the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- A match is deemed to have started upon the earlier of:
- The starting of the 'in-game clock'; and
- The occurrence of any action that influences gameplay such as, for example, picks, bans, weapon purchases and other similar actions.
- For the avoidance of doubt, the finishing order as at the time that Customer bets are settled is the final result. This result will not be subsequently amended for any reason whatsoever including, without limitation, if the official result is overturned or amended by the changed by the broadcaster, event organizer or game publisher responsible for administering the event or tournament of which the match forms part.
- In the case of 'Series' betting such as 'Best of 3' or 'Best of 5' markets, if one or more of the matches / maps are not played due to an unconditional outcome then all Customer bets in respect of the specific match / map that is not played shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Best of 1' markets, if the match finishes in a draw:
- The 'Dead-Heat' Rule will apply in respect of all Customer bets on 'Head-to-Head' markets; and
- All other markets will be paid according to the standard rules.
- If a team's roster is changed prior to the start of an event, all Customer bets on that team will stand provided that the team retains the full compliment of players.
- If a player withdraws prior to the start of a match:
- All single Customer bets on the relevant player shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Golf
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results officially declared by the tournament organiser.
- If a player does not tee-off in a given tournament:
- All single Customer bets on that player shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If a player is not officially awarded a score for a completed round by the tournament organiser, they are deemed to have not completed that round.
- If a player is officially awarded a score for a completed round by the tournament organiser, they are deemed to have completed the round regardless of whether they have subsequently been disqualified by the tournament organiser or have otherwise retired or withdrawn.
- In the case of 'Each-Way' and other 'non-Winner' markets (eg. 'Top 5' or 'Top 10' markets):
- Customer bets will not be resulted until after the officially designated number of regulation holes have been completed by all players (except for those players that have retired or otherwise been officially withdrawn or disqualified).
- The 'Dead Heat' Rule will apply for players that are tied for the bottom position. For instance, if 6 players are tied for the lead after the completion of all regulation holes, Customers who have had a bet in a Top 5 market will be paid 5/6ths of the face-value of their ticket.
- In the event that a tournament is shortened for any reason whatsoever, all Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the standard rule regardless of the number of rounds ultimately played, except for any Customer bets after the placement of which there is no further play. Any such bets will:
- Be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- The exception to the above rule is, that if a bet is placed, and no further play is possible subsequent to the being struck - that bet will be deemed void regardless of official results.
- If a tournament is postponed to, or suspended or temporarily abandoned but nevertheless completed by, a date which is within fourteen (14) days of the originally scheduled start time or the time at which the tournament commenced (as the case may be), all Customer bets on that tournament shall stand.
- If a tournament is postponed to, or suspended or temporarily abandoned and not completed by, a date which is more than fourteen (14) days after the originally scheduled start time or the time at which the tournament commenced (as the case may be), the tournament will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the tournament shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- In the case of 'Tournament-based Head-to-Head' or 'Group' markets:
- For groups with less than 7 players players, if any of the players within the match-up or group fail to complete at least thirty-six (36) holes, all Customer bets on the market will be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer;
- For groups with 7 or more , bets stand provided 7 or more players complete at least thirty-six (36) holes.
- Play-off holes / rounds are not taken into account when resulting the event.
- In the case of 'Round-based Match-Up / Head-to-Head' markets, if any of the players in the market fail to complete eighteen (18) holes, all Customer bets on the market will be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of 'Round-based Group' markets, if any of the players in the market fail to complete eighteen (18) holes:
- The winner will be the player within the given market that completes the most holes; or
- If all players within the given market have completed the same number of holes, the winner will be the player (among those that have completed the greatest number of holes) that has the lowest score.
- In the case of 'Round Leader' markets (i.e. betting on a certain player to lead at the end of a Round), the Round must be wholly completed in order for Customer bets to stand. For clarity, a Round is wholly completed when all players who started the Round have completed eighteen (18) holes or have been officially withdrawn or disqualified from tournament.
- In the case of 'Make / Miss the Cut' markets:
- If a player fails to complete at least thirty-six (36) holes, all Customer bets on that player will be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer.
- A player is deemed to have made the 'Cut' if the player is eligible to play in the round after the 'Cut' is made even if that player chooses not to continue playing for whatever reason.
- Gridiron
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the final score officially declared by the relevant sports controlling body at the conclusion of the match (including any overtime periods).
- In order for Customer bets to stand, the match on which a given bet was placed must run to the completion of the designated normal time period.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another prior to the commencement of play, or postponed to a date which is within twenty-four (24) hours of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than twenty-four (24) hours after the originally scheduled start time (including where that match had commenced and was abandoned or suspended for any reason whatsoever), the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- All bets on inactive players will be refunded, unless superceded by a market specific rule. A player does not have to play a snap for bets to stand. is the official source for inactive players.
- Handball
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the final score officially declared by the relevant sports controlling body at the conclusion of the match (excluding any overtime periods).
- In order for Customer bets to stand, the match on which a given bet was placed must run to the completion of the designated normal time period.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another prior to the commencement of play, or postponed to a date which is within twenty-four (24) hours of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than twenty-four (24) hours after the originally scheduled start time (including where that match had commenced and was abandoned or suspended for any reason whatsoever), the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Ice Hockey
- In the case of matches in the American National Hockey League:
- All Customer bets will, unless otherwise expressly stated in these Wagering Rules or in the event betting rules) be resulted on the basis of the final score officially declared by the NHL after the conclusion of the match including any overtime periods and/or penalty shootouts; and
- In the event that a penalty shootout takes place, only one (1) goal will be awarded to the team that wins the shootout regardless of the number of penalties actually converted by either team.
- Notwithstanding anything else contained in the Ice Hockey Wagering Rules, all Customer bets placed in a 'Regulation Winner' or '3rd Period' market will be resulted on the basis of the score at the conclusion of 'normal' time.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another prior to the commencement of play, or postponed to a date which is within twenty-four (24) hours of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than twenty-four (24) hours after the originally scheduled start time (including where that match had commenced and was abandoned or suspended for any reason whatsoever), the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- In the case of matches in the American National Hockey League:
- Mixed Martial Arts
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the decision handed down by the officially designated judges for the relevant bout. If a match is deemed a draw, all Head to Head bets will be paid at half face value on both singles and multis.
- If a bout is transferred from one location to another, or postponed to a date which is within fourteen (14) days of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that bout shall stand.
- If a bout is postponed to a date which is more than fourteen (14) days after the originally scheduled start time, the bout will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the bout shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- In the case of a market for which a dividend is offered for the 'Draw', all Customer bets on either fighter to win the bout will be losing bets if the bout is declared to be a draw, except where the fight is declared a 'technical draw' (such as, for example, where the referee has determined that a fighter is unable to continue owing to an accidental injury, cut or foul) in which event the bout will be declared a'no-contest' and:
- All single Customer bets on the bout shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- In the case of 'Pick-the-Round' betting, if a fighter fails to answer the bell, the fight will be deemed to have ended during in the previous round.
- If the scheduled number of rounds is changed after the market for a fight is opened for betting:
- All single Customer bets on the bout shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If a round is stopped prior to the official sounding of the bell signifying the end of that round, the round will not be deemed a 'full round' for the purposes of any betting market.
- In the case of a 'Totals (i.e. Over/Under)' markets:
- The 'Totals (i.e. Over/Under)' threshold figure represents the number of completed rounds.
- Where there is a fractional 'Totals (i.e. Over/Under)' threshold figure (eg. "Over/Under 4.5 Rounds"):
- The half-way point of a three (3) minute round is when exactly one (1) minute and thirty (30) seconds of that round has elapsed; and
- The half-way point of a two (2) minute round is when exactly one (1) minute of that round has elapsed.
In the case of 'Decision (No-Bets)' markets: Bets will only be paid if selection wins by via KO, TKO, Submission or the opposing fighter is Disqualified. If the fight is decided by the judges scorecard then all bets will be void and
The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Motor Racing
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the finishing order as per the podium presentation. For the avoidance of doubt, this result will not be subsequently amended for any reason whatsoever including, without limitation, if the official result is changed by the sport's controlling body as a result of, for instance, subsequent protests and/or technical violations.
- Except in the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, all 'outright' markets are conducted on an 'all-in' basis. In such markets, no refunds will be given in the event that your selection is a non-starter or otherwise retires, withdraws, or is disqualified prior to or during the course of a race weekend.
- All drivers who start either the parade lap or the race are considered runners for all markets. The start of any race is defined as the signal to start the formation lap.
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets:
- All competitors involved in the market must take part in the event in order for bets to stand.
- If any of the competitors in a 'Head-to-Head' market fails to take part in the relevant event, all Customer bets in that market will be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer.
- In the case of betting on 'Pole Position' markets:
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of:
- The finishing order in the third qualifying session (i.e. 'Q3'); or
- If 'Q3' is not completed, then the finishing order of the second qualifying session (i.e. 'Q2'); or
- If 'Q2' and 'Q3' are not completed, then the finishing order of the first qualifying session (i.e. 'Q1').
- In the event that no qualifying sessions are completed:
- All single Customer bets on the bout shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of:
- In the case of 'Driver / Rider Retirement' markets:
- In order for a driver / rider to be deemed to have 'retired' from a race, they must have crossed the start-finish line on the first lap of the race; and
- In the event that multiple drivers / riders retire on the same lap of a race, the 'Dead-Heat Rule' shall apply.
- 'Virtual Safety Cars' are not considered safety cars for the purposes of betting on 'Safety Car' markets.
- Multi Bets
- 'Multi-Leg Bet' (also known as an 'Accumulator' or an 'All-Up') is the combination of two or more bets into a single wager. The dividend of a 'Multi-Leg Bet' is derived by multiplying the dividends of each of the individual bets comprising the 'Multi-Leg Bet'. A Multi-Leg Bet may be requested in respect of an approved declared event or fixed price racing event, except for, Same Game Multi & Same Race Multi products where the dividend for a Same Game Multi Bet or Same Race Multi Bet is calculated based upon the relatedness of the selections in the wager and not a multiplication of odds for each selection.
- 'Multi Leg Bets' may not contain any interdependent legs where the outcome of one part of the bet contributes to the outcome of another. If such bets are inadvertently accepted, TopSport reserves the right to declare the whole Multi Leg Bet void and funds will be refunded to the clients betting account. Provision for interdependent leg wagering can be found under separate wagering products - 'Same Race Multi' (refer rule 6) or 'Same Game Multi' (refer rule 28).
- TopSport accepts 'Multi Leg Bets' of up to ten (10) legs.
- TopSport will not accept 'Multi Leg Bets' with a dividend exceeding $10,001.00.
- Should a leg of a Multi Leg Bet be voided due to one runner being scratched, meeting abandoned, (excluding 'All-In' betting options) or per the individual sporting event rules referring to cancellation or postponement, Multi Bets will be recalculated excluding that event or leg and the wager on the remaining selections or selection at the initial stake will stand.
- In the event of a draw where there is no draw listed in the market, and no sport specific rule is listed, dead heat rules apply to both singles and multis.
- In the event of a protest being upheld, Multi Bets will be based on the final official placings - ie. TopSport's Protest Payout promotion will not apply to Multi Bets.
- Multi Leg Bets are subject to TopSport Payout Limits outlined in Section 4 - General Wagering Management.
- Netball
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the interim and final scores officially declared by the relevant sports controlling body at the conclusion of the match, which shall include any overtime periods unless otherwise expressly stated in these Netball Wagering Rules.
- In order for Customer bets to stand, the match on which a given bet was placed must run to the completion of the designated normal time period.
- All 'Margin' and 'Half-Time / Full-Time Doubles' markets will be resulted on the basis of the score at the conclusion of 'normal' time. Any overtime periods will not be taken into account for the purposes of resulting these markets.
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, the 'Dead-Heat Rule' will apply if the match finishes in a 'Draw'.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another prior to the commencement of play, or postponed to a date which is within twenty-four (24) hours of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than twenty-four (24) hours after the originally scheduled start time (including where that match had commenced and was abandoned or suspended for any reason whatsoever), the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Olympic and Commonwealth Games
- All outright winner markets will be settled on the winner of the gold medal. Bets will be settled based on the result at the time of the podium presentation or medal ceremony. Any subsequent disqualifications or amendments will be disregarded.
- All markets are considered "All In", unless otherwise stated.
- If any event / match is postponed bets will stand providing the event is rescheduled to take place before the closing ceremony. If any event is cancelled, all bets are void. These rules overwrite any individual sports rules.
- Betting on the Medal Table will be settled following the final event. All Medal markets offered are All In markets. Bets for these markets will stand should any country or its athletes abandon the Olympics / Commonwealth Games after the commencement of the Games.
- Futures / Outrights - Unless otherwise stated, all bets will stand regardless of postponements unless the official sporting governing body declares that a competition has been cancelled with no official winner, in which case bets will be void.
- Rugby League
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results officially declared by the sports controlling body on their website.
- In the case of matches where 'extra-time' is played in the event of a tie at the conclusion of 'normal' time, all Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the result officially declared by the sports controlling body after the conclusion of 'extra-time' unless otherwise stated in these Rugby League Wagering Rules.
- In the case of any 'Head-to-Head' market that does not contain an option to bet on a 'Draw' (or equivalent), the 'Dead-Heat Rule' shall apply in the event of a draw.
- All 'Margin', 'Half-Time / Full-Time Double', 'Normal Time', and 'Second Half' markets will be resulted on the basis of the score at the conclusion of 'normal' time. Any 'extra-time' will not be taken into account for the purposes of resulting these markets.
- In the case of 'Tryscorer' markets:
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the players and times recorded on the official website of the sports controlling body.
- In the event that a 'penalty-try' is awarded:
- If no player is credited with scoring the 'penalty-try' on the official website of the sports controlling body, then this try will be disregarded for the purposes of resulting any Player Tryscorer bets.
- If the first try scored in a match is a 'penalty-try' and no player is credited with said 'penalty-try', the player that scores the second try of the match will be deemed the first tryscorer for the purposes of a 'First Tryscorer' market.
- If the last try scored in a match is a 'penalty-try' and no player is credited with said 'penalty-try', the player that scores the second to last try of the match will be deemed the last tryscorer for the purposes of a 'Last Tryscorer' market.
- In the case of Premiership and related markets:
- Any Grand Final or other replays that are required will be included for the purpose of resulting the event.
- Markets will be suspended in the event of the two Grand Finalists being decided.
- In the case of 'Most Wins', 'Most Losses', 'Most Competition Points' markets or other similar markets:
- Any points deductions, disqualifications or exclusions owing to a breach of competition rules and/or regulations will not be taken into account for the purposes of resulting the event.
- If two (2) or more teams are locked in a tie, the tie will be broken by reference to the For & Against Percentage as declared by sports controlling body.
- In the case of a 'Halfway Leader' market:
- The winner will be the team that is leading the competition prior to the commencement of the first match of the first round after the halfway point of the season unless a specific round is nominated as being the half-way point of the season, in which event the winner will be the team that is leading the competition prior to the commencement of the first match of the specifed round.
- If two (2) or more teams are locked in a tie, the tie will be broken by reference to the Total Points For & Against as declared by sports controlling body, and the team with the highest differential will be deemed the winner.
- In the case of 'Top NSW Team', 'Top Non-NSW Team', or other similar markets:
- The winner shall be team that finished highest on the competition ladder at the conclusion of the home-and-away season unless one or more of the teams in the relevant market qualify for the finals series or playoffs, in which event the winner shall be the team that progresses furthest in said finals series or playoffs or wins the Grand Final.
- In the event that multiple teams are eliminated at the same stage of the finals series or playoffs, the 'Dead-Heat Rule' shall apply.
- In the case of 'Player' markets and markets based on player or match statistics:
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results and statistics published on the website of the relevant sports controlling body.
- Any Customer bets that are placed on a player that is not in the roster of players that take part in the relevant match shall be declared 'no-bets' and refunded in full. For clarity, players that are on the roster but are left on the interchange bench and do not take the field are nevertheless deemed to have taken part in the relevant match.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another, or postponed to a date which is within seven (7) days of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than seven (7) days after the originally scheduled start time, the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Rugby Union
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the interim and final results officially declared on the official website of the relevant sports controlling body.
- In the case of matches where 'extra-time' is played in the event of a tie at the conclusion of 'normal' time, all Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the result officially declared by the sports controlling body after the conclusion of 'extra-time' unless otherwise stated in these Rugby Union Wagering Rules.
- In the case of any 'Head-to-Head' market that does not contain an option to bet on a 'Draw' (or equivalent), the 'Dead-Heat Rule' shall apply in the event of a draw.
- All 'Margin', 'Half-Time / Full-Time Double', 'Normal Time', and 'Second Half' markets will be resulted on the basis of the score at the conclusion of 'normal' time. Any 'extra-time' will not be taken into account for the purposes of resulting these markets.
- In the case of 'Tryscorer' markets:
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the players and times recorded on the official website of the sports controlling body.
- In the event that a 'penalty-try' is awarded:
- If no player is credited with scoring the 'penalty-try' on the official website of the sports controlling body, then this try will be disregarded for the purposes of resulting any Player Tryscorer bets.
- If the first try scored in a match is a 'penalty-try', the player that scores the second try of the match will be deemed the first tryscorer for the purposes of a 'First Tryscorer' market.
- If the last try scored in a match is a 'penalty-try', the player that scores the second to last try of the match will be deemed the last tryscorer for the purposes of a 'Last Tryscorer' market.
- If seven (7) points are awarded to the team that scored the 'penalty-try' (without their being required to make their conversion attempt), then the relevant 'penalty-try' will be disregarded for the purposes of resulting any 'Try Conversion' market. In such a scenario, the outcome of any 'Try Conversion' market will be determined on the basis of the outcome of the next 5-point try in the match where a conversion is attempted.
- In the case of Premiership and related markets:
- Any Grand Final or other replays that are required will be included for the purpose of resulting the event.
- Markets will be suspended in the event of the two Grand Finalists being decided.
- In the case of betting on the 'Six Nations' tournament:
- The 'Grand Slam' refers to one team defeating all other teams in the competition.
- The 'Triple Crown' refers to one of England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales defeating all three other teams in the competition.
- For the purposes of betting on either the 'Grand Slam' or the 'Triple Crown', draws are not considered victories.
- In the case of 'Most Wins', 'Most Losses', 'Most Competition Points' markets or other similar markets:
- Any points deductions, disqualifications or exclusions owing to a breach of competition rules and/or regulations will not be taken into account for the purposes of resulting the event.
- If two (2) or more teams are locked in a tie, the tie will be broken by reference to the For & Against Percentage as declared by sports controlling body.
- In the case of 'Top Australian Team', 'Top New Zealand Team', or other similar markets:
- The winner shall be team that finished highest on the competition ladder at the conclusion of the home-and-away season unless one or more of the teams in the relevant market qualify for the finals series or playoffs, in which event the winner shall be the team that progresses furthest in said finals series or playoffs or wins the Grand Final.
- In the event that multiple teams are eliminated at the same stage of the finals series or playoffs, the 'Dead-Heat Rule' shall apply.
- In the case of 'Player' markets and markets based on player or match statistics:
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results and statistics published on the website of the relevant sports controlling body.
- Any Customer bets that are placed on a player that is not in the roster of players that take part in the relevant match shall be declared 'no-bets' and refunded in full. For clarity, players that are on the roster but are left on the interchange bench and do not take the field are nevertheless deemed to have taken part in the relevant match.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another, or postponed to a date which is within seven (7) days of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than seven (7) days after the originally scheduled start time, or a match is commenced within seven (7) days of the originally scheduled start time but is permanently suspended prior to the end of the First Half, the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Same Game Multi Bets (SGM)
- Same Game Multi Bets are Multi Bets where the selections relate to the same event. TopSport's Multi Bets Rules apply in respect of 'Same Game Multi Bets', except for:
- The dividend for a Same Game Multi Bet is calculated based upon the relatedness of the selections in the wager and not a multiplication of odds for each selection.
- In the event, that a Same Game Multi Bet is placed where all selections are completely related contingencies, the bet will be paid out at the highest odds of any single selection. e.g. Chelsea to win $1.50 into Chelsea to win 3-0 - $26 - bet will be paid at $26.
- In the event one or more selections are voided in a Same Game Multi Bet, regardless of if this is through player withdrawal, push on a flat line, or any other reason, the wager will be cancelled, and the stake refunded to your TopSport betting account.
- In the event of a dead heat in one or more SGM legs, standard Dead Heat Rules apply. For the avoidance of doubt, if a match falls on exactly the flat line, that market is deemed void, and the wager will be refunded in totality regardless of the outcome of other legs of the multi.
- SGM Bets are subject to TopSport Payout Limits outlined in Section 4 - General Wagering Management.
- If a multi bet with two line options clearly loses on one leg, and an extra leg is added solely to achieve a refund, according to the rules stated above, the bet will be considered a loser. For example, combining "Total Points Under 23.5" with a market of "Under 24.0" with the sole intention of generating a push on 24.
- Snooker
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the interim and final scores officially declared by the sports controlling body or tournament organiser officiating the match.
- In order for Customer bets to stand, both players must start the match on which a given bet was placed and the match must run to completion.
- In the case of matches with an even number of scheduled frames where there is no dividend offered for a 'Draw', if each player has won an equal number of frames after the conclusion of the scheduled number of frames:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Soccer
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the interim and final scores officially declared by the relevant sports controlling body at the conclusion of 'normal time', which shall include any injury / stoppage time added by the referee but expressly excludes any overtime periods or penalty shootout unless otherwise stated in these Soccer Wagering Rules.
- If a match does not run for two halves of forty-five (45) minutes (plus any incidental injury / stoppage time added by the referee) and there is no express reference to an alternative playing time in the event betting rule:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another prior to the commencement of play, or postponed to a date which is within forty-eight (48) hours of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than forty-eight (48) hours after the originally scheduled start time (including where that match had commenced and was abandoned or suspended for any reason whatsoever), the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- In the case of 'Tournament Winner', 'To Progress to Next Round', and other similar markets, the winner will be determined based on the result at the conclusion of a match or series or matches including any overtime periods or penalty shootouts.
- In the case of 'Goalscorer' markets (including, without limitation, 'First Goalscorer', 'Last Goalscorer', 'Anytime Goalscorer'):
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the players and times recorded on the official website of the sports controlling body.
- Any player who takes the field between kick-off and the final whistle of normal time will be regarded as a participant for first / last / anytime / multiple goal scorer bets, subject to the proviso that players who could not have scored the first goal will be void. However, a player who does not take any part in the game will be considered a non-runner.
- If a given match finishes scoreless, all Customer bets on a 'Goalscorer' market will be deemed losing bets.
- In the event that an 'own-goal' is scored:
- The 'own-goal' will be disregarded for the purposes of resulting any Goalscorer bets.
- If the first goal scored in a match is a 'own-goal', the player that scores the second goal of the match will be deemed the first goalscorer for the purposes of a 'First Goalscorer' market.
- If the last goal scored in a match is a 'own-goal', the player that scores the second to last goal of the match will be deemed the last goalscorer for the purposes of a 'Last Goalscorer' market.
- If the only goal or goals scored in a match are 'own-goals', then all Customer bets on a 'Goalscorer' market will be deemed losing bets.
- In the case of 'Player' markets and markets based on player or match statistics:
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the results and statistics published on the website of the relevant sports controlling body.
- Any Customer bets that are placed on a player that does not take the field in the relevant match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer, and the payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- Surfing
- Except in the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, all 'outright winner' markets are conducted on an 'all-in' basis. In such markets, no refunds will be given in the event that your selection retires, withdraws or is disqualified during the course of a tournament, or is otherwise a non-starter.
- In the case of 'Each-Way' bets into 'outright winner' markets, all Customer bets on a surfer that is eliminated at the semi-final stage of an event shall be resulted in accordance with the ''Dead-Heat'' Rule and the Customers will receive an amount equal to half of the face value of their bet ticket.
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, if any surfer listed in the market fails to enter the water during the relevant heat then:
- All Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another, or postponed to a date which is within fourteen (14) days of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- Swimming
- Except in the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, all 'outright winner' markets are conducted on an 'all-in' basis. In such markets, no refunds will be given in the event that your selection retires, withdraws or is disqualified during the course of a tournament or swim meet, or is otherwise a non-starter. For the avoidance of doubt, any swimmer that is disqualified owing to a sporting infringement - such as, for example, a false start - shall be deemed to have taken part in the event from which they were disqualified.
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the finishing order as per the podium presentation except in the event of an official protest being lodged and upheld within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of an event in which case bets will be resulted on the basis of the finishing order declared by the arbiter of the protest.
- For the avoidance of doubt, the finishing order as at the time which is twenty-four (24) hours after the completion of a Swimming event will be deemed the final result. This result will not be subsequently amended for any reason whatsoever including, without limitation, if the official result is changed by the relevant sport''s controlling body as a result of, for instance, subsequent protests or doping violations.
- Table Tennis
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets:
- If the first set of a given match is completed then all Customer bets shall stand and the player that progresses to the next round (or is awarded the match by the umpore) shall be deemed the winner for the purposes of resulting Customer bets; and
- If the first set of a given match is not completed owing to (without limitation) the disqualification or withdrawal of one of the players, then:
- All Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- In the case of 'Handicap', 'Line', 'Totals' or any additional markets:
- If the match does not run to its complete conclusion, including owing to the disqualification, retirement or withdrawal of one of the players, then:
- All Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- If the match does not run to its complete conclusion, including owing to the disqualification, retirement or withdrawal of one of the players, then:
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets:
- Tennis
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the interim and final scores officially declared by the sports controlling body or tournament organiser officiating the match.
- A Tennis match is deemed to have started with the first serve of the match.
- In the event of a 'walk-over' (i.e. the withdrawal or disqualification of, or other forfeiture by, a player prior to the commencement of a match), all Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer, and the payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- In the event that there is a change in the number of sets scheduled to be played in a given match:
- All 'Head-to-Head' match bets and bets related exclusively to the outcome of the 1st Set shall stand; and
- All other Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer, and the payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- Except in the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, If a player pulls out of the tournament before starting their first match, outright bets on that player are void.
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets:
- If the first set of a given match is completed then all Customer bets shall stand and the player that progresses to the next round (or is awarded the match by the umpire) shall be deemed the winner for the purposes of resulting Customer bets; and
- If the first set of a given match is not completed owing to (without limitation) the disqualification or withdrawal of one of the players, then:
- All Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- In the case of 'Handicap', 'Line', 'Totals', 'Set Betting' or any additional markets not specifically referenced in these Tennis Wagering Rules:
- If the match does not run to its complete conclusion (including owing to the disqualification, retirement or withdrawal of one of the players) then, unless the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the cessation / interruption of play and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then:
- All Customer bets on said markets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- If the match does not run to its complete conclusion (including owing to the disqualification, retirement or withdrawal of one of the players) then, unless the outcome of any Customer bets is already decided prior to the cessation / interruption of play and no further play could possibly change the outcome of said bets, then:
- In the case of '1st Set Score' or '1st Set Winner' markets, all Customer bets will be finalised upon the completion of the 1st Set regardless of whether the remainder of the match is completed.
- In the case of 'Number of Sets' markets:
- In a '3-Set match', if a player is disqualified, retires or withdraws, or a match is otherwise abandoned:
- Before the completion of the 2nd Set, then all Customer bets on the market shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer, and the payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs;
- After the completion of the 2nd Set (with the match having entered or about to enter a 3rd Set), then for the purposes of resulting Customer bets on the market it will be deemed that there were three (3) sets played.
- In a '5-Set match', if a player is disqualified, retires or withdraws, or a match is otherwise abandoned:
- Before the completion of the 4th Set, then all Customer bets on the market shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer, and the payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs;
- After the completion of the 4th Set (with the match having entered or about to enter a 5th Set), then for the purposes of resulting Customer bets on the market it will be deemed that there were five (5) sets played.
- In a '3-Set match', if a player is disqualified, retires or withdraws, or a match is otherwise abandoned:
- In the case of 'Will There Be A Tie Breaker' markets:
- If a player is disqualified, retires or withdraws, or a match is otherwise abandoned, prior to the commencement of a 'tie breaker', then:
- All Customer bets on said markets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- If a player is disqualified, retires or withdraws, or a match is otherwise abandoned, after the commencement of a 'tie breaker', then all Customer bets on said markets will be paid out on the basis that a tie breaker was played.
- If a player is disqualified, retires or withdraws, or a match is otherwise abandoned, prior to the commencement of a 'tie breaker', then:
- In the case of 'Exhibition' or 'Non-Tournament' matches only:
- If a match is transferred from one location to another prior to the commencement of play, or postponed to a date which is within twenty-four (24) hours of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than twenty-four (24) hours after the originally scheduled start time (including where that match had commenced and was abandoned or suspended for any reason whatsoever), the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Volleyball
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the final score officially declared by the relevant sports controlling body at the conclusion of the match (excluding any overtime periods). For the avoidance of doubt, the outcome of any 'Golden Set' or other tie breaker (including any points accrued therein) will not be taken into account when resulting any volleyball match markets.
- In order for Customer bets to stand, the match on which a given bet was placed must run to the completion of the designated normal time period.
- If a match is transferred from one location to another prior to the commencement of play, or postponed to a date which is within twenty-four (24) hours of the originally scheduled start time, all Customer bets on that match shall stand.
- If a match is postponed to a date which is more than twenty-four (24) hours after the originally scheduled start time (including where that match had commenced and was abandoned or suspended for any reason whatsoever), the match will be deemed to have been abandoned and:
- All single Customer bets on the match shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of any voided leg or legs of that Multi-Leg Bet.
- Yacht Racing / Sailing
- Except in the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, all 'outright winner' markets are conducted on an 'all-in' basis. In such markets, no refunds will be given in the event that your selection retires, withdraws or is disqualified during the course of a tournament or race, or is otherwise a non-starter.
- In the case of 'Head-to-Head' markets, if any vessel listed in the market fails to start the relevant event / heat then:
- All Customer bets shall be voided and the amount of those bets shall be refunded to the Customer; and
- The payout in respect of any affected Multi-Leg Bets will be recalculated to take account of the voided leg or legs.
- All Customer bets will be resulted on the basis of the finishing order as per the podium presentation except in the event of an official protest being lodged and upheld within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of an event in which case bets will be resulted on the basis of the finishing order declared by the arbiter of the protest.
- For the avoidance of doubt, the finishing order as at the time which is twenty-four (24) hours after the completion of a Sailing / Yacht Racing event will be deemed the final result. This result will not be subsequently amended for any reason whatsoever including, without limitation, if the official result is changed by the relevant sport''s controlling body as a result of, for instance, subsequent protests or technical violations.